(一)录音中有五个句子, 听句子两遍后, 从每小题ABC三个选项选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。
1. A. Yes, I am.    B. No, I can't.    C. Yes, I do.
2. A. You are welcome.  B. It doesn't matter.  C. Sure, it's over there.
3. A. Four kilos.    B. Three dollars.    C. Five hours.
4. A. Much better.    B. Never mind.    C. Sorry to hear that.
5. A. I can play the guitar.  B. I like country music.  C. My favorite singer is Jack.
()录音中有五组对话和五个问题, 听对话和问题两遍后, 从每小题ABC三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案
温暖 作文6. Where did Tom go on vacation?
A. 周记500字初中生10篇 B. C.
7. How often does Eric go swimming?
A. Once a month.    B. Every day.    C. Once a week.
8. Why doesn't John look well today?
A. Because he didn't pass the test yesterday.
B. Because he didn't have a good rest last night.
C. Because he had a terrible headache last night.
9. What does Andrew want to be now?
A. B. C.
10. Where will they meet?
A. In the classroom.    B. Outside the school gate.  C. At home.
()录音中有一段对话和五个问题, 听对话和问题两遍后, 从每小题ABC三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。
11. Who comes from America?
A. Lucy.        B. Steve.    C. Jeff
12 What does Jill think of Steve?
A. He is friendly.      B. He is helpful.    C. He is outgoing.
13. What does Jeff look like?
A. B. C.
14 What club is Jeff in?
A. The soccer club.    B. the basketball club.  C. The ping-pong club.
15. When can Mary meet Jill's friends?
A. Tomorrow.      B. Next term.    C. This Sunday.
(四)录音中有一篇短文和五个问题, 听短文和问题两遍后, 从每小题ABC三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。
16. What was the weather like?
A. Sunny.      B. Windy.    C. Cloudy.
17. Who waited for the bus with Dale?
A. His mother.      B. His grandma.    C. His grandpa.
18. Where was Dale going?
A. To a piano club.    B. To the next stop.  C. To school.
19. What time did the bus come at last?
A. At 7:15a. m.      B. At 7:  C. At 7:30 a. m.
20. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Dale was singing happily at 7:15.
B. It's far from Dale's home to school.
C. There is a piano by the side of the road.
联想k900跑分ABCD四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
1.—Have you ever seen ________film Ne Zha?
—Yes, I have. It tells us ________different story of Ne Zha.
A. a; an    B. an; the    C. a; the    D. the; a
2.—Where did you buy that beautiful hat, from a shop or a supermarket?
—________. I am used to shopping online.
A. Neither    B. Either    C. Both    D. None
3.—I like the number “9” best, because I think it stands for “long lasting”.
— Me too. So I choose ________ floor to live on.
A. nine    B. ninth    C. the nine    D. the ninth
4.—It's very important for us to keep ________.
—You are right. We should learn how to protect ourselves when we're in trouble.
A. rapid    B. safe    C. lucky    D. social
5.—Could you tell me why you learn English so well?
—It's very simple. ________ you study, ________ grades you will get.
A. The harder; better    B. The harder; the better
C. Harder; better    D. Harder; the better
6.—I think washing hands every day is good________ our health.
—Yes, I agree________you!
A. to; to    B. with ;to    C. for; with    D. at; with
7.—Mum, must I be a teacher like you when I grow up.
—No, you needn't. You can make your own ________.
A. difference    B. discussion    C. discovery    D. decision
8.—I think I am the shyest in my class. What should I do?
—Be more active in class, ________ you can improve your ability to express yourself.
A. so that    B. unless    C. or    D. although
9.—Will you go to Lisa's housewarming party next Sunday?
—Well, if I________, I will go on time.
A. invite    B. will invite    C. am invited    D. will be invited
10.—Tom, it smells so terrible here.
— Sorry, mum. I will ________my socks and wash them right away.
A. put off    B. take off    C. turn off    D. cut off
11.—On my way to the bookstore, I saw Mary hanging out with her friends.
—It________be her. She has gone to Beijing.
A. can't    B. mustn't    C. might    D. could
12.—The little boy is only three years old, but he can memorize about 50 poems.
—________talented boy he is!
A. How    B. How a    C. What a    D. What
13.—Do you know Li Ziqi?
—Of course. She is a beautiful girl________has made many videos to show a traditional Chinese way of life.
A. whose    B. where    C. which    D. who
14.—Mr. Wang, can I go to play football with my classmates as soon as school is over?
—________We have to prepare for the coming Art Festival together.
A. Why not?    B. I hope so.    C. I’m afraid not.    D. Of course.
15.—What will you remember most after leaving junior high school?