时间:120分钟 满分:120分
卷 听力部分(25分)
6. A. It's hot.    B. It's rainy.
C. It was wonderful.
7. A. Yes,he did.    B. Yes,he was.
C. Yes,he is.
8. A. She was fine.
B. She climbed the mountains.
C. She went to Shanghai.
9. A. Yes,they are.    B. No,they aren't.
C. Yes,they were.
10. A. Sounds great.    B. Not really.
C. No,I don't.
11. Where was Jack yesterday?
A. In the library.    B. At home.
C. In the bookstore.
12. How long did it take Bob to arrive at Georgetown?
A. 1. 5 hours. 吴中天前妻>yellow 歌词    B. 2 hours.     C. 2. 5 hours.
13. When did Peter go to Central Park?
A. On Wednesday.    B. On Thursday.
C. On Friday.
14. How was the weather last Sunday?
A. Rainy.     B. Sunny.     C. Cloudy.
15. What did Jim do last weekend?
A. He went to the movies.
B. He went to the mountains.
C. He played tennis.
16. What did Tom do on vacation?
A. He went swimming.
B. He went to summer camp.
C. He went to the beach.
17. Who did Tom go with?
A. His cousin.    B. His sister.
C. His brother.
18. How did the girl go to Sanya last Sunday?
A. By car.    B. By bus.     C. By plane.
19. What special food did they have for lunch there?
A. Chicken.     B. Fish.     C. Fruit.
20. What did the girl do in the afternoon?
A. She tried paragliding.     
B. She went shopping.
C. She visited the old buildings.
21. Where does David's uncle live?
A. In England.    B. In China.
C. In America.
22. Who did Tom go with?
A. His parents.    B. His uncle.
C. His cousin.
23. What did Tom do in Hong Kong?
A. He met lots of stars.
B. He took lots of photos.
C. He bought something special for his friends.
24. How did Sally go to England?
A. By boat.    B. By plane.
C. By train.
25. Who are in America?
A. Lisa's parents.     
B. Lisa's grandparents.
C. Lisa's friends.
第二卷 笔试部分(95分)
26. Boys and girls, you should look after ____ when your parents are not at home.
A. himself      B. herself
C. yourselves      D. themselves
27. —Why don't you find some people to help you with the work? 徐亮老婆
Well, ____ of them can help me because it is difficult.
A. a few      B. few      C. some      D. all
孙红雷 小沈阳
28. (易错题)—What can you see from the top of the mountain?
We can see a lake____ us.
A. past      B. across      C. along      D. below
29. (易错题)—What do you think of the movie?
—It's____ for me. I got____ when I was in the cinema (电影院).
A. boring; boring      B. boring; bored
C. bored; boring     D. bored; bored
30. —Why does little Tom's father not let him use the computer?
Because his father thinks Tom is not ____.
A. old enough      B. enough old
C. young enough      D. enough young
31. —Does Sally have many friends in her class?
No, she has____ because she is shy and quiet.
A. a few      B. few      C. a little      D. less
32. —You seem____ Faye Wong's songs very much.
That's true. She is my favorite singer.
A. to practice  多少岁可以过妇女节    B. to enjoy
C. practicing      D. enjoying
33. —Alex,did ____ help you clean the classroom yesterday?
Yes, Mike did.
A. someone      B. anyone
C. everyone      D. no one
34. —Did you go shopping with your mother yesterday morning?
—____. I took an online lesson (上网课) at home.
A. Yes, I did      B. No, I didn't
C. Yes, I was      D. No, I wasn't
35. —Did you go anywhere interesting this summer vacation?
____. I only stayed at home to study for the test.
A. Of course      B. No problem
C. Not really      D. Sounds great
Some vacations are good but some are __36__. Here I'd like to share (分享) some good places to go on vacation with you.
The first place is Niagara Falls. There are so __37__ things to do and see. I took a boat ride there. The boat went under the falls. It was exciting __38__ kind of scary. My dad was afraid of it, so he just stood nearby.
When night __39__, the falls looked beautiful because of colorful lights (灯). The only bad thing was the expensive __40__. And it tasted bad!
Another place is Washington, D. C. There we __41__ in a nice hotel. We took one tour bus (观光车) and saw __42__ great around the city. We also saw the White House. It __43__ very beautiful, but we didn't get into it.