1.Where is the woman going next?
A.The bedroom.
B.The kitchen.
C.The bathroom.
2.What is the woman complaining about?
A.Linda’s exam results.
B.Linda’s learning attitude.
C.Linda’s communication skills.
3.What job is Scott doing at present?
A.A salesman.
B.A waiter.
C.A student.
4.Where are the speakers now?
A.At a restaurant.
B.At a furniture shop.
C.At the woman’s house.
5.Who is studying at Harvard University?
A.The woman.
B.The man.
C.The man’s sister.
6.Why does the woman feel upset?
A.She types too slowly.
B.She failed to save a report.
C.Her computer is broken again.
7.When is Jane’s report due?
A.Next Monday.
B.Next Tuesday.
今日全国生猪价格表C.Next Thursday.
8.What is Nick reading now?
A.A poem.
B.A novel.
C.A magazine.
9.What’s the woman’s attitude towards Mary Vanderbilt’s story?
10.Who will the man drive to the airport?
B.His roommate.
C.His roommate and Helen.
11.Where will the woman meet Lisa?
A.At a concert.
B.At Lisa’s house.徐志摩那些黯然心动的话
C.At a music camp.
12.What common interest do Helen and Lisa share?
B.Collecting stamps.
C.Listening to music.
13.What can we know about the woman?
A.She has a gift for languages.
B.She has learned English for long.
C.She signed up for an English course.
14.What is the man going to do next year?
A.Study abroad.
B.Join a club.
C.Tour Britain.
15.Which of the woman’s suggestions does the man take?
A.The first one.
B.The second one.
C.The third one.
16.What will the speakers do together this evening?
A.See a film.
B.Clean the house.
C.Read English newspapers.
17.How much do an adult ticket and a child ticket cost?
18.What does the speaker think of the whale-themed spaces?
19.What is the attraction on the120th floor?
A.A small cafe.
B.A glass floor.
C.An outdoor balcony.
20.What does the speaker say about the restaurant?
A.It’s on the122nd floor.
B.Its food is inexpensive.
C.It has good natural light.
Historic Sites in Paris
Paris is a city full of sites of different times and architectural styles.Here are some of these famous spots that are essential to understand the city’s complicated past.
Eiffel Tower
Presented as part of the1889World Exposition in Paris,the Eiffel Tower has become the city’s most famous attraction.It is accessible on Line6or Line8of the Paris Metro by Bir-Hakeim or Trocadéro stations.If possible, avoid visiting this spot at peak hours(-)or on weekends,so you can make the most of your visit to enjoy the views from the top.The best moments are right after it first opens on weekdays.
Notre-Dame Cathedral
Dating back to the12th century,the Notre-Dame Cathedral has long towered alongside the banks of the Seine River.With its complicated Gothic(哥特式的)architectural details,it represents Parisian religion and architecture. Unfortunately,a fire broke out on April15,2019,destroying part of it.Visitors are not allowed to enter now. Louvre Museum
Louvre Museum is one of the most famous art museums in the world where you can witness the city’s rich painting history from the medieval(中世纪的)period to the present.It is easily accessible on Line1from the Palais Royal-Musée du Louvre station.It is closed on Tuesdays as well as January1,May1,and December25each year.
Arc de Triomphe
The Arc de Triomphe serves as a national symbol of France,which was built by Napoleon I in celebration of the victory at the Battle of Austerlitz.Take Line1,2,or6to Charles de Gaulle-Etoile station and you will see the Arc de Triomphe.Visitors can purchase tickets for a tour to the top to enjoy the views of the city.
1.Which is the best time to visit Eiffel Tower?
2.Where should visitors go if they are interested in art history?
A.Eiffel Tower.
B.Louvre Museum.
C.Arc de Triomphe.
D.Notre-Dame Cathedral.
3.What can be inferred from the listed attractions?
A.They require tickets for a tour.
B.They are easily accessible by subway.
C.They allow visitors to enter on holidays.
D.They are spots to show the history of Paris.
【答案】1.B  2.B  3.D
推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“If possible,avoid visiting this spot at peak hours(-)or on weekends,so you can make the most of your visit to enjoy the views from the top.The best moments are right after it first opens on weekdays.(如果可能的话,避免在高峰时间(上午10点至下午5点)或周末参观这个地方,这样你就可以充分利用你的参观来欣赏顶部的景。最好的时刻是在工作日刚开门的时候。)”可知,应避免在高峰期和周末参观Eiffel Tower,且最好的参观时间是在它刚开门的时候,因此“周一上午九点”是最好的游览时间。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Louvre Museum is one of the most famous art museums in the world where you can witness the city’s rich painting history from the medieval(中世纪的)period to the present.(卢浮宫博物馆是世界上最著名的艺术博物馆之一,在这里你可以见证这座城市从中世纪到现在丰富的绘画历史。)”可知,卢浮宫博物馆是了解从中世纪开始到现在的绘画历史的地方。故选B。
细节理解题。通读全文,尤其根据第一段末句“Here are some of these famous spots that are essential to understand the city’s complicated past.(这里有一些著名的景点,对于了解这座城市复杂的过去是必不可少的。)”可知,本文展示了关于巴黎历史的一些景点。故选D。
When I picked up The Woks of Life,a cookbook written by the Leung family,I was very excited.Inside there are mom-and-dad approved recipes with stories and photos—even a timeline—of the family’s history.
“We call our cookbook culinary genealogy(烹饪家谱).We wanted the book to be our family’s stories t
old through food,rather than just characteristic recipes,”said Sarah Leung,who co-wrote the book during the pandemic(流行病)with her parents and younger sister.“We grew up in a food-obsessed(着迷的)family.Honestly, I’ve developed a quarter of these recipes myself,”Sarah added.“Over time,we’ll accomplish our goal:All family members are competent Chinese cooks.”
The cookbook features dishes which might be made in a Chinese American home as well as in Chinese American takeout restaurants.“Home-style cooking and restaurant-style cooking have equal importance,but they
are different,”Sarah said,adding that the family also discussed how to be respectful of each point.“I hope the recipes will appeal to Chinese Americans,like my family,and also those less familiar with Chinese cooking.”
Part of their cookbook has also been posted on their website,attracting millions of faithful followers.The success of the cookbook is that it honors tradition as well as reflects modern interpretations,making it a mixture of the old and the new.It also offers building blocks for home cooks who want to learn to cook Chinese food.
I started my exploration with the Kung Pao Chicken,a popular dish and also my favorite.Joyfully,the d
ish I made tasted like it was supposed to be.It really built up my confidence.Surely,as you can imagine,I have also set up my goal to be expert in Chinese cooking.
The cookbook is promoting Chinese cooking to become the domain of home cooks in the United States.For too long,Chinese cooking has been a cuisine that many people are used to only eating out.
4.Why is the cookbook called culinary genealogy?
A.It runs in the family.
B.It is written by family members.
C.It includes the story of a family.
D.It contains mom-and-dad approved recipes.
5.Which of the following best describes the Leung family?
A.Easygoing and helpful.
B.Faithful and energetic.
C.Devoted and considerate.
D.Fortunate and thankful.
6.What does the author think of The Woks of Life?
A.It is a typical Chinese cookbook.
B.Its success lies in honoring tradition.
C.It offers building blocks for all cooks.
D.It helps improve the author’s cooking skills.
7.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Most Americans are used to eating out.
B.The cookbook has become a best seller.
插刀教事件C.American home cooks prefer Chinese cooking.
D.The cookbook benefits the spread of Chinese cooking.
【答案】4.C  5.C  6.D7.D
细节理解题。根据第二段前两句““We call our cookbook culinary genealogy(烹饪家谱).We wanted the book to be our family’s stories told through food,rather than just characteristic recipes,”said Sarah Leung,who co-wrote