1、表示两件东西或两个人中的一个……另一个……”王思聪骂过的人这一意思时,用one…the other…
如图所示:       ○              ●
               one           the other
波斯狼酒是什么意思There are two English books over there. One is Lily's ,the other is Kate's 。那儿有二本英语书,一本是Lily的,另一本是Kate的。
2、表示不定数目中的一个另一个,用“one… another …”如图所示:
              教师节送老师的礼物        ○                   ○○●○○
              one                     another
 another 表达的意思常有:(1= a different one 2= one more 3= also one 等。故 one another 对应使用的情形很多:
1To know is one thing ,to practise is another.   知道是一件事,练习是另一件事。
(2)If you don't like this one ,try another .   如果你不喜欢这个,试一试另一个。
(3)If I am a fool, you are another .  如果我是一个傻子,你是另一个。
(4)This coat is a little too big ,Show me another .   这件外套有点太大,给我看另一件。
3、强调确定数目中的一个其余的,用one … the others/the rest …如图所示:               
  ○              ●●●●
                          one        the others/the rest
Of the five pens ,one is red ,the others are green   五个钢笔中,一个是红的,其余的是绿的。
注:(1)以上三个one … another并没有固定的数目,而且 one … the other one … the others,其数目是已经固定、明确的。
     (2)要表达三个人或物时可说:one…another/a second…the other ;要表达四个人或物时,可说:one…another…a third…the other ,往下类推。
1She sent me three flowers, one was red, another (was) blue, and the other (was)white
2There are four cars in the yardone is red, a second(another) is yellow ,a third is green ,and the other is black
 ○○○○        ●●●●○○○
                   some           others/some
          We have plenty of flowers in our garden ,Some are red ,others  are yellow
5、表示许多人或物中的一部分”“其余的全部分,用some…the others/the rest 风筝制作图片。这一用法的条件是有确定数目。如图所示:
          ○○○○           ●●●●●●
                   some          the other/the rest
The students of Class Two are working in the fields .Some are carrying water,some are digging,the others are planting trees.
(1)常见固定词组:      the other day 几天前          every other day 每隔一天
each  other 互相(常指两者,而三者或以上常用:one another )   
one after the other (= one after another ) 一个接一个地、接连地。
He is taller than any other boy in his class . 他比他班上任何一个男孩高。
 注意:在不同范围内比较就不要加other.        Shanghai is bigger than any city in Jiangsu.  上海比江苏的任何城市大。
比较级 + than + any + other+ 单数名词或any of the other + 复数名词形式。
He is taller than any other boy /any of the other boys in his class .  他比他班上任何一个男孩高。
  1) We love ourselves ,and we love ________ peoole .
   (2) Lei feng is always ready to help _________ .
   (3) They are three brothers ; one is a doctor and _____two are teachers .
   (4) To learn is one thing ,to teach is _________ .
   (5) To some life is pleasure ,to ______ it is suffering .
   (6) There were five foreigners .one of them was an Englishman and ______ American.
   (7) I have three pens ,one is red ,______ is green and ______ is blue .
   (8) Please open your ______ eye .
   (9) This coat is too big for me ,please show me ________ .
   (10)If you won't do it ,we can eaily get ______ student to do it .
 Key:1other   2others   郁可唯家暴3the other   4another   5others    6怎样办理美国签证、the others  7another, the other   8other   9another   10another