关于在审理侵犯商标权等民事纠纷案件中认定和保护驰名商标应用法律若干问题的解释(征求意见稿)Interpretations on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Recognition and Protection of Famous Trademarks during the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases over the Infringement of Trademark Right,etc.(Draft for Comment)
English Version中文版
生效日期:2008年11月11日所属分类:商标(知识产权法->商标)Promulgation Date:11-11-2008
Effective Region:NATIONAL
Promulgator:Supreme People's Court
Document No:
Effective Date:11-11-2008
Category:Trademark(Intellectual Property Law->Trademark)
全文:Full text:
关于在审理侵犯商标权等民事纠纷案件中认定和保护驰名商标应用法律若干问题的解释(征求意见稿)Interpretations on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Recognition and Protection of Famous Trademarks during the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases over the Infringement of Trademark Right,etc.(Draft for Comment)
为在审理侵犯商标权等民事纠纷案件中依法认定和保护驰名商标,根据《中华人民共和国商标法》、《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》、《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等有关法律规定,结合审判实际,制定本解释。These Interpretations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Trad
emark Law of the People's Republic of China,the Law of the People's Republic Of China Against Unfair Competition,and the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and in light of trial practice in order to recognize and protect famous trademarks according to law during the trial of civil dispute cases over the infringement of trademark right,etc.
第一条本解释所称驰名商标,是指在中国境内为相关公众广为知晓的商标。Article1The famous trademarks as mentioned in these Interpretations shall refer to the trademarks that are widely known to the relevant public within the territory of China.
第二条在下列民事纠纷案件中,当事人以认定驰名商标作为构成侵犯商标权或者不正当竞争行为的事实根据的,人民法院可以根据案件的具体情况,对所涉商标是否驰名作出认定:(一)原告以被告违反商标Article2Under the following civil dispute cases,in case the party concerned takes the recognition of a famous trademark as the factual basis for the constitution of infringement of trademark right or unfair competition behavior,the People's Court may recognize whether the trademark involved is famous according to the concrete situation of the case:
1.The civil dispute cases over the infringement of trademark
冬至吃饺子吗(五)依照法律、行政法规的规定或者案件的具体情况需要认定商标驰名的其他民事纠纷案件。right under which the plaintiff accuses the defendant of breaching the provisions of Article13of the Trademark Law;
2.The civil dispute cases over the infringement of trademark right or unfair competition under which the plaintiff accuses the defendant of registering and using the domain name identical with or similar to the famous trademark of the plaintiff;
3.The civil dispute cases over the infringement of trademark right or unfair competition under which the plaintiff accuses the defendant of using in the enterprise name the words identical with or similar to the famous trademark of the plaintiff;
4.The civil dispute cases over the infringement of trademark right under which the plaintiff accuses the defendant of using the trademark that infringes the exclusive use right of the registered trademark of the plaintiff,while the defendant makes the defense or files counterclaim that the trademark accused of infringement is a prior unregistered famous trademark of the defendant;or
维嘉暴瘦5.Other civil dispute cases for which the recognition of trademark famousness is needed in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations or the concrete situation of cases.
(二)被诉侵犯商标权或者不正当竞争行为因不符合其他法律要件而不成立的民事纠纷案件。Article3The People's Court shall not recognize whether the trademark involved is famous under the following civil dispute cases:
1.The civil dispute cases under which the trademark famousness is not the factual basis for the accused infringement of trademark right or unfair competition behavior;or
2.The civil dispute cases which are not established due to the fact that the accused infringement of trademark right or unfair competition behavior does not accord with other legal requirements.
人民法院认定驰名商标,应当以其在中国境内主要地域驰Article4The People's Court shall take comprehensive consideration of the factors as provided in Article14of the Trademark Law when recognizing famous trademarks. However,the circumstance under which the trademark famousness may be sufficiently recognized without considering all the factors as provided in Article14according to the concrete situation of the case shall be excluded.
The People's Court shall take the trademark famousness in
名的事实为根据。但根据案件具体情况,在必要时可以适当考虑其在中国驰名的事实。major areas within the territory of China as the factual basis when recognizing the famous trademarks.However,the fact that the trademark is famous outside the territory of China shall also be properly considered when it is necessary according to the concrete situation of the case.
、客观的考虑。Article5The party concerned shall have the burden of proof to prove that its trademark was already famous when the behavior took place in case the party concerned takes the recognition of the famous trademark as the factual basis for the constitution of infringement of trademark right or unfair competition behavior.
The party concerned may provide the following evidences to prove the trademark famousness:
1.The facts including the sales volume,sales revenue,market share,sales region,profits and taxes of the commodities using the trademark;
2.The fact of the time of continuous use of the trademark;
3.The facts including the method,duration,scale,invested fund and region of the advertising or promotion activities of the trademark involved;
4.The fact that the trademark enjoys the market reputation;or
5.Other facts to prove the trademark famousness,including the fact that the trademark was infringed and protected before,market survey report,report issued by professional evaluation agencies which objectively shows the market value of the trademark,and relevant materials of the trademark issued
by industrial associations,etc.
The facts including the time,scope and method of the use of the trademark as mentioned in the previous item may include the situation of continuous use of the trademark before approval for its registration.
The People's Court shall take the facts of the actual trademark famousness as the factual basis when recognizing the trademark famousness,and shall not take whether the trademark has been recognized as a famous trademark as the necessary condition;in respect of relevant evidences including the use time and the industrial ranking of the enterprise using the trademark,etc.,the People's Court shall conduct full and objective consideration in light of other factors.
人民法院认定商标驰名,不适用民事诉讼证据的自认规则。Article6In respect of the famous trademark that has been recognized by the People's Court or the administrative department for industry and commerce under the State Council before the accused infringement of trademark right or unfair competition behavior takes place,in case the defendant does not raise objection to the fact of trademark famousness,the People's Court shall recognize the trademark famousness.However,the circumstance under which the People's Court has sufficient opposite evidences to override the recognition shall be excluded.
In case the defendant raises objection to the fact of the trademark famousness as mentioned in the previous item,the plaintiff shall have the burden of proof of the fact.
In case the defendant does not raise objection to the trademark famousness as provided in Item1during the first instance but raises objection during the second instance without justified reason,the defendant shall provide evidence to prove the objection.
五大国有银行The admission rules of evidence in civil lawsuit shall not apply to the recognition of trademark famousness by the People's Court.
告提供其商标驰名的初步证据,或者被告不持异议的,人民法院对该商标驰名的事实予以认定。Article7In respect of the trademarks that are widely known by the general public within the territory of China,the People's Court shall properly alleviate the burden of proof of the plaintiff.In case the plaintiff has provided preliminary evidence of the trademark famousness or the defendant does not raise objection,the People's Court shall recognize the fact of the trademark famousness.
商标法第十三条第二款规定的“误导公众,致使该驰名商标注册人的利益可能受到损害”,包括足以使相关公众认为商品或者其经营者之间具有相当程度Article8The term"misleads the public"as provided in Item 1of Article13of the Trademark Law shall include the trademark which leads to the misunderstanding of commodity source by the relevant public,or which is sufficient to make the relevant public believe that there are specific relationships among the commodity ,the license for use or affiliated enterprise,etc.
The term"misleads the public and leads to possible damage to the interests of the registrant of that famous trademark"as provided in Item2of Article13of the Trademark Law shall include the trademark which is sufficient to make the relevant public believe that there are certain relationships among the
的联系,而利用驰名商标的市场声誉、减弱驰名商标的显著性或者贬损驰名商标的市场声誉。commodities or their operators,and which takes advantage of the market reputation of the famous trademark,decreases the notability of the famous trademark or impairs the market reputation of the famous trademark.
第九条人民法院禁止被告在不相同或者不相类似商品上使用与原告已注册的驰名商标相同或者近似的商标的,应当考虑该驰名商标的显著性、在被控侵权商品的相关公众中的知晓程度,以及相关商品的关联程度等情形。Article9To prohibit the defendant to use the trademark identical with or similar to the registered famous trademark of the plaintiff on different or dissimilar commodities,the People's Court shall consider the notability of the famous trademark,the famousness among the relevant public of the accused infringing commodity,and the relevance to relevant commodities,etc.
(二)被告提出注册申请时,原告的商标尚不驰名的。Article10In case the plaintiff accuses the regist
ered trademark of the defendant of copying,imitating or translating the plaintiff's prior unregistered or registered famous trademark in violation of the provisions of Article13 of the Trademark Law,which constitutes the infringement over trademark right,the People's Court may,according to law,pass the judgment to prohibit the use of the trademark. However,the accused infringing registered trademark under any of the following circumstances shall be excluded:
1.The time limit of application for cancellation as provided in Item2of Article41of the Trademark Law has expired;or
2.The trademark of the plaintiff was not famous when the defendant applied for the trademark registration.
被告依据前款规定提出抗辩或者反诉的,应当对其在先未注册商标驰名的事实负举证责任。Article11In case the plaintiff lodges a civil lawsuit to accuse the defendant of infringing the exclusive use right of the registered trademark of the plaintiff,the defendant may make the defense that the trademark involved is a prior unregistered famous trademark of the defendant,and may file countercl
aim to prohibit the plaintiff to use the registered trademark accordingly.
To make defense or file counterclaim in accordance with the provisions of the previous item,the defendant shall have the burden of proof to prove the famousness of its prior unregistered trademark.
第十二条当事人请求保护未注册驰名商标的,人民法院应当审查该商标是否符合商标法Article12In case the party concerned claims for the protection of its unregistered famous trademark,the People's Court shall examine whether the trademark meets the