Blair:  Just because you're dressed poorly doesn't mean you're not Chuck Bass.
Chuck:  Why would I want to be him?
Blair:  You should've told me you got shot.
Chuck:  I'm surprised you didn't shoot me youself. 我很惊讶你没有亲自开打我。
Blair:  I have,manytimes,in my dreams. The good ones. But if you were really hurt,I would want to know.
英语四级分数分布水果的种类Chuck:  When I woke up,myID was gone.Nobody knew who I was.Nobody was coming to look for me.
I realized I might be alive,but Chuck Bass didn't have to be.  我意识到虽然我活下来了,但恰克·拜斯却没有必要存在。
Blair:  Changing your name doesn't mean change who you are. 名字虽改,你心依旧
Chuck:  It's a good start. A change to live simple,earn people's respect,maybe become a person someone could love. 赢得别人的爱的机会。
Blair:  Someone d反省自己id love you. u owe it to her,and everyone else you're leaving behi爱就在身边作文
nd. Not run away,which is what you're doing.欠每一个被你抛弃的人,不要再这样逃避了。
And I don't think that great man you're talking about wanting to be is a coward.我并不认为曾经有远大抱负的你是个懦夫。
I think he would face up to what he did玫瑰刺. 我想你会勇于面对过去。
Chuck:  I destoryed the only thing I ever loved. 我毁了我曾经唯一的真爱。
Blair:  I don't love you anymore. But it takes more than you to destroy Blair Waldorf.我不再爱你了。但即使是你也不能毁掉布莱尔·霍道夫。
Chuck:Your world would be earier if I didn't come back. 没有我,你的生活会更安逸。
Blair:That'strue.But it wouldn't be my world without you in it. 这倒是真的。  但我的世界里也不能没有你几号圣诞节。