题 目太阳能辅助空气源热泵热水供应系统设计
学 院 名  称 机械电子工程学院                            华晨宇父亲背景曝光
专业班晶女郎有哪些级  热能与动力工程                           
指 导 教 师                            
填表时间:  2014    年    月    日
  Now the solar assisted air source heat pump hot water system has been widely spread in the building. Solar-assisted air source heat pump system realized the utilization and complementary advantage of two renewable energy:air and solar,being a new and high efficient preparation method.
This design introduces the solar-assisted air source heat pump system at home and abroad research. Operation scheme of solar hot water - air source heat pump hot water supply system meet the residential building year-round water-supply. This subject also designed a flat solar collector and established mathematical model of compressor, condenser, evaporator, expansion valve. This paper compiles the condenser, evaporator simulation program. Finally the design makes analysis efficiency of system, which focuses on the simulation programming and the structure design of the condenser and evaporator, and systems analysis of the economy.
暴风雨作文  Solar air source heat pump hot water supply system designed in this paper composed o
f the solar hot water supply loop and air source heat pump hot water supply loop. Solar energy supply hot water first. When the solar energy supply is insufficient, the air source heat pump supplies hot water. System is maximize used of solar energy, to achieve the purpose of energy saving. Economic analysis calculates total cost of the traditional way and the annual, then we get it’s the investment recovery period. 周涛几任丈夫都有谁Above all results indicated that the system has the energy saving and being economical.
Key words: Solar energy; Air source heat pump; Evaporator; Condenser; 
            Performance analysis