He has been to Beijing (去过北京
He has gone to Beijing(去北京了,人还没回来〕
This is the same key as I lost yesterday.这把钥匙和我昨天丢的那把很像。
This is the same key that I lost yesterday.这就是我昨天丢的那把钥匙。
That’s all right. 没关系;不用谢。
That’s right. 那是对的。All right.好,行。
Here you are! 给你! Here we are! 到啦!
Here they are! 东西在这儿。
I’m afraid not.恐怕不是这样。
I’m not afraid.我不怕。
I didn’t go, because I was afraid.我没去,因为我害怕。
I didn’t go because I was afraid.我不是因为害怕才去的。
He is not a little afraid of it. 他非常害怕。
He is not a bit afraid of it. 他一点也不怕。
We chose Jack our monitor. 我们选杰克当我们的班长。
We chose Jack----- our monitor.我们选杰克----我们的班长。
I will give you a lesson. 我将给你们上一堂课。
I will teach you a lesson.我将教训你们一顿。
毕滢微博He hasn’t lived here for a long time. 他很久没住这儿了。
He hasn’t lived here for long.他没在这儿住很久。
It has been 5 years since he lived here.他5年没住这儿了。
It has been 5 years since he began to live here. 他住在这儿5年了。
I have never seen him since he was ill.自从他病愈以来我一直没见过他。
I have never seen him since he fell ill. 自从他生病以来我一直没见过他。
It is 3 years since he was a soldier.他退役3年了。
It is 3 years since he became a soldier.他参军3年了。
It is nearly 3 years since he began to smoke.他抽烟已近3年。
It is nearly 3 years since he smoked.他戒烟已近3年。
Anyhow, she works.不管怎样,她总算工作了。
She works anyhow.她马马虎虎地工作。
You may as well take this.你还是收下这个为好。
You may take this as well.你可以把这个也收下。
He had made a box.他已经做好一个箱子。
He had a box made.他请人做了一个箱子。
He foolishly spoke.他竟然开口说话,实在很不聪明。
He spoke foolishly.他把话说得很不聪明(说了些蠢话)。
I hope he will soon get over it.我希望他很快就会忘掉这件事。
I hope he will soon get it over. 我希望他很快就会结束这件事。
I remembered mailing the letter.我记得把信寄发了。
I remembered to mail the letter.我记得要把信寄发。
林园个人资料They tried to speak English. 他们想学着讲英语。
They tried speaking English.他们想用英语试试看。
An old car problem may arise.可能会引起历来已久的汽车问题。
An old cars problem may arise.可能引起旧车处理问题。
It is his manner that annoys me.他的举止使我很不舒服。
It is his manners that annoys me. 他的礼貌使我很不舒服。
He is behind time.他迟到了。
He is behind the times.他落伍了。
He stood up for them. 他拥护他们。
He stood up to them.他反抗他们。
His success is out of question. 他成功没问题。
His success is out of the question.他不可能成功。
They went to sea. 他们当水手去。
They went to the sea.他们到海滨去。
I am no philosopher.我不懂哲学。
I am not a philosopher.我不是个哲学家。
He was familiar to me. 我很熟悉他。
He was familiar with me.他对我很随便(亲昵、冒昧)。
Is Mary at home? 玛丽在家吗? Is Mary home? 玛丽回来了吗?
Give me a cup of tea. 给我一杯茶。
Give me a cup for tea.给我一个茶杯。
He is disappointed.他感到失望。
He is disappointing.他令人失望。
It is in the school that we got to know each other.我们是在学校里相识的。
It is the school where we got to know each other.它就是我们相识的那所学校。qq财付通充值
It is 3 years ago that his father left for Beijing.他父亲是在3年前离开家去北京的。
It is 3 years since his father left for Beijing.他父亲离开家去北京后有3年了。
The news has come from Beijing that an important meeting is being held there.
The news has come from Beijing, where an important meeting is being held there.
He wrote a letter to his sister, telling her that he would arrive on Sunday.
He wrote a letter to his sister to tell her that he would arrive on Sunday.
He wrote a letter to his sister telling her that he would arrive on Sunday.
They had no choice but to buy another one and return it to Jeanne.
They had no choice but to buy another one and returned it to Jeanne.
Bob is sure of success.鲍勃自信会成功。
Bob is sure to succeed. 鲍勃一定会成功。
The delegation is leaving for England tomorrow.代表团明天动身去英国。
The delegation is leaving England tomorrow.代表团明天离开英国。
Rose is only too excited to say a single word.罗斯激动得仅说了一句话。
Rose is too excited to say a single word. 罗斯激动得一句话也说不出来。
The workshop director introduced a worker and an engineer to us.车间主任把一位工人和一位工程师介绍给我们。
The workshop director introduced a worker and engineer to us. 车间主任把一位工人工程师介绍给我们。
Lei Feng was always ready to help others. ----So he was.他的确如此。
Lei Feng was always ready to help others. ----So was he.他也一样。
Tom has been to do some shopping. 汤姆刚才买东西去了。
Tom is to do some shopping.汤姆打算去买东西。
I’m afraid of telling him.我不敢告诉他(怕伤他的感情)。
I’m afraid to tell him.我胆小,不敢跟他说。
张国荣是攻还是受工行企业文化>白鹿疑新恋情曝光I fear that he doesn’t know our address. 我担心他不知道我们的地址。
I don’t fear that he knows our address.我不怕他知道我们的地址。