1. The new chemistry lab can’t be used for the time being. (保持句意基本不变)
The new chemistry lab can’t be used ____________ ____________.
【答案】at present
【易错分析】很多学生对for the time being不熟,导致容易出错。原句中for the time being 意思是“目前”,at present 也有“目前”的意思。
2. “Is the school library open at the weekends?” the visitor asked me. (改为宾语从句)
The visitor asked us ____________ the school library ____________ open at the weekend?
【答案】whether/if, was
【易错分析】 原句中直接引语“Is the school library open at the weekends?”是一般疑问句,变为宾语从句部分要用whether/if+陈述句,又主句部分是一般过去式,所以从句部分也要用相应的过去时,所以应填was。
3. Perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world. (改为反意疑问句)
Perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world, _______ _______?
【答案】will there
【易错分析】学生容易忽视反义疑问句中的点,本题考查there be句型的反意疑问句。注意no表示否定,因此后面用肯定。
4. At the age of five, my little son weighed 25 kilograms. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ did your little son weigh at the age of five?
【答案】How much
2022年3月黄道吉日一览表5. I will call the police if that noise doesn’t stop in a short while. (保持句意基本不变)
I will call the police _______ that noise _______ in a short while.
【答案】unless stops
【易错分析】题目较难,易做不出来,本题考查if 与unless的转换。
6. Students read some information about memory in the library yesterday.(改为被动语态)
Some information about memory _________ _________ in the library yesterday by students.
上海的大专学校【答案】was read
7. a , we, communicate, so that, can, we, learn, language.(连词成句)
【答案】We learn a language so that we can communicate.
8. British families nowadays recycle about 22% of their waste, (对画线部分提问)
______ ______ of your waste do British families recycle nowadays?
【答案】How much
【易错分析】对于百分数划线提问见得较少,很多学生想不到,对数量提问用how many/much,waste是不可数名词,故用how much。
9. Finally, my friend Jane apologized to me for what she had done. (保持句意基本不变)
Finally, my friend Jane _____ ____ to me for what she had done.
【答案】said sorry
【易错分析】 题目中等难度,对于平常不愿意积累的同学而言,是难题。 apologize意思是道歉,即say sorry,同时要注意时态。
10. The restaurant around the corner used to be Tom’s favorite.(对划线部分提问)
_________ restaurant ________ Tom’s favorite?
【答案】Which; was
【易错分析】此类题型经常考,有必要作为易错题重点讲解,对修饰名词的定语提问用“which”, used to be过去常常,故用过去时态。
拓展:used to do过去常常做某事
be used to doing 习惯于做某事搞笑说说
be used for 被用来做某事
11. I won’t start the car unless you put on your seat belt.(保持句意基本不变)
I won’t start the car________ you__________ put on your seat belt.
【答案】if; don’t
12. Jeff took the vase out of the safe very carefully in order not to break it.(保持句意基本不变)
Jeff took the vase out of the safe with _______ __________ in order not to break it.
【答案】great care
very carefully=with great care。
13. The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation.(改为反义疑问句)
The new vacuum cleaner cost more than her expectation, ______ ______?
【答案】didn’t it
【易错分析】学生需要细心,此处考查反义疑问句,前肯后否,故填didn’t it.
14. Peter would rather watch a competition than take part in one.(保持原句意思)
Peter prefers ______ a competition ______ taking part in one.
女星尴尬【答案】watching to
【易错分析】对于平常积累较差的孩子而言易错,考查短语prefer doing to doing.
15. He frightened me because he made a strange sound behind me suddenly. (保持句意基本不变)
He__________ me a__________ because he made a strange sound behind me suddenl
y .
【答案】gave fright
【易错分析】题目较难,很多学生做不出来,需要积累,同义替换 sb frighten sb= give sb a fright
16. Sam was so tired that he couldn't continue driving the car(保持句意基本不变)
Sam was tired continue driving the car.
【易错分析】此类题型考查较多,可以作为重点跟学生理清知识点。考察so...that的同义句转换,要注意,, so...that的互换
17. The boy was so generous that he shared all his snacks and his classmates.(保持句意不变)
The boy was _______ _______ to share all his snacks and his classmates.
【答案】generous enough
【易错分析】题型同上,so…that…句型与…enough to…句型转换。
18. We don't allow people to smoke anywhere in the building, (改为被动语态)
People to smoke anywhere in the building.
【答案】aren't allowed
【易错分析】动词是allow,把allow改为be allowed,注意主语,not和时态的问题。
19. 'Does water cover most of the Earth's surface?' asked the boy. (改为宾语从句)
The boy wanted to know water most of the Earth's surface.