    perhaps的同义词是什么意思 perhaps的同义词辨析 maybe, perhaps, possibly, probably 这些副词均有“或许,大概“之意。
    maybe :
立春是什么意思?    普通用词,美国英语多用。指某事也许如此,含不能确定 意味。
    perhaps :
娄艺潇 我们结婚了    普通用词,多用于英国,与maybe同义。
    possibly :
    probably :
    一般指根据逻辑推理,估计有发生的可能,把握性较大, 语气比possibly强。
    perhaps的网络释义 perhaps 或许;
    ***** LVOE 也许是爱;
    PERH Perhaps 也许;
    Perhaps Love 如果·爱;吊顶
    Perraps perhaps 也许,也许;
    也许,也许;perhaps的例句 1. The horrors he experienced are imprinted, perhaps indelibly, in his brain. 他经历的恐怖事件在他脑海中刻下了深深的,或许是难以磨灭的印记。
    2. He was not perhaps physically the strongest in the class. 他可能不是全班身体最壮的。
    3. Perhaps he"d followed her suggestion of a stroll to the river. 也许他已经听从了她的建议去河边散步了。
    4. Perhaps you would like to pay a visit to London. 也许,您乐意去游览一下伦敦。
    5. Andy"s face paled with disappointment;
    perhaps with anger as well. 安迪的脸由于失望而变得苍白,也许还掺杂着气愤。边潇潇照片
    6. Perhaps if you rang me when you got back to your office 你回到办公室后给我打电话
怎么样 7. In male company, perhaps he did overstep the bounds of propriety. 在清一性的公司里,可能他的举止确实有失得体。
    8. The way things are going, perhaps he won"t come at all. 现在看来他是不会来了。
    9. The driver was a trim young woman of perhaps thirty. 司机是个大约30岁的身材苗条的年轻女子。
    10. Glover thinks that Smith did him down, perhaps out of envy. 格洛弗认为史密斯说他坏话,也许是出于嫉妒。
    11. Perhaps your force of argument might have made some difference.或许是你的雄辩使情况发生了变化。
    12. "Perhaps it would be better if I withdrew altogether." — "Certainly not!" “也许,我完全退出更好吧。”——“当然不是!” 13. Perhaps we did acquire a somewhat fuddy-duddy image in the later years. 可能在后来的几年里我们真的让人感到有些古板。
    14. I take it back, I think perhaps I am an extrovert. 我收回说过的话,我想也许我是外向型的人。
    15. The lesson from all of this is perhaps a broader one. 从所有这一切中得出的教训可能具有更广泛的意义。