Fee Schedule of ICP Program
(In USD 以美元计算 )
*Fixed Audit Man-day Rate审核公司收取之审核费 ( 人 / 天 ) 500
New Factory Registration首次申请注册费1,500浮图塔男女主睡过几次
Annual Factory Registration  年度申请注册费1,000
Probation Registration观察期注册费1,000
Seal of Compliance Issuance Fee一般证书费800
Probation Seal Fee观察期证书费1,500
150 *CAP Evaluation and Document Review
CAP  评估及书面审核费
250 Extension Fee (subject to approval by ICFAL)
审核期延期费 ( 须由 ICFAL 批准 )
考研总分是多少100 Handling Charge for Error made by Applicant on Payment
150 Amendment to Seal of Compliance after Issuance
Duplicate Seal of Compliance证书复印费20
*Fees to be paid directly to audit firms此费用直接缴付审核公司
1.1Audit Fee includes the fixed man-day rate, CAP evaluation and document review (if applicable), travel/
accommodation cost and VAT tax charge (if applicable).
审核费总额包括审核公司收取的审核费(以人/ 天计算)、CAP 评估及书面审核费、交通/ 住宿费及增值税(若适用)。
1.2The appropriate audit fee shall be paid directly to the audit firm no later than the payment deadline given
by the audit firm.
1.3The audit firm shall determine the number of man-days that are required to perform the complete factory
audit according to the guideline in the chapter of “Factory Audit Man-day Scale and Interview Sample Size”
审核公司必须根据“审核所需之人 / 天标准及抽样数”决定审核所需的人 / 天数。
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1.4If the audit firm recommends a different number of man-days due to complexity and/or significant change
of the applicant’s production facilities or process, prior approval of ICFAL is required.
若审核公司发现工厂的生产设施、操作、厂房范围等类似的重大变更和 / 或相当复杂性的问题时,可在 ICFAL 的审批和同意后,申请与标准不同的人 / 天数。
1.5 The traveling and any accommodation costs are charged by the audit firm at cost or by its internal policy.
1.6 Additional man-day for long-distanced traveling may be charged as per actual consumption.
审核公司可依据实际情况,收取远距离行程所需之额外人 / 天数。
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