Life in Caves
Most large caves have three distinct zones, and each zone is home to a different kinds of natural life. In the innermost part of the cave, the darkness is complete and the temperature never varies. Without light no green plants can live, and animals have no need for eyes. The next zone, although still dark and moist, has a variable temperature. Animals that otherwise live outside inhabit this zone seasonally. The third zone, called the twilight zone, begins wherever light from the cave entrance can first be seen. A few green plants can grow in this zone. Most animals in this zone use the cave as shelter from the outdoors. In each zone the plant and animal life adapts to the meager resources of its home.
这一段的第一句话是全段的主题句。它包括了三个上义词:most (large) caves, three, 科技小制作简单又漂亮natural lifeMost large caves肯定包括大多数较大的洞穴,显然涵盖了natural life(自然生命)在语义逻辑上当然包括了洞穴中的动植物。这些上义词为段落的展开留下了充分的余地,于是随后的段落主体部分就能够从容地根据离洞口的距离将洞穴分成三个部分来进行展开了。在展开过程中,我们用来描写细节部分的用词一般都是下义词,因为在描写细节时,我们需要使用语义内容比较具体的词,即下义词。