一、International Business
(一)New words and expressions
Licensing  发放执照 Franchising  特许经营 Ensemble  整体,集合体
Geological 地质的 Precipitation  降雨量 humus 腐殖质 interplay 相互作用
ferment 发酵meander 曲径moderate 减轻,缓冲staggering 惊人的
merger 兼并acquisition 收购manifold 多方面的retaliatory 报复的,复仇的
procurement 采购embargo 禁运devaluation 贬值real estate房地产
ad valorem 从价税specific duties 从量税alternative duties 择税
compound duties复合税 import surtax 进口附加税countervailing duty反补贴税anti - dumping duty 反倾销税
1.Without a clear knowledge of an enterprises location relative to its suppliers , to 反倾销是什么意思啊its market , and to its competitors , an executive operates like the captain of a fog - bound vessel that has lost all na梁森哪里人vigational instruments and 吴昕泰子椰is heading for dangerous shoals ,如果一名高官不能解其供应商、场和争对手的位置,其处境就像一位困在雾中轮船的船长,轮船导航已失灵,船正驶向危险的浅滩。在本句中,“ knowledge ”是“认识”的意思。
2.The wines fermented from these grapes are shipped around the world to consumers , who differentiate among various wines based not only on the grapes but also on the places where they were grown and the conditions during which they matured .用这些葡萄酿制的葡萄酒被运往世界各地,消费者不仅可以根据葡萄,还可根据它的产地和成熟条件来区分这些葡萄酒。
3.Whereas the theme of interaction encouraging consideration of different characteristics within a place , movement provides a structure for considering how different places relate to each other .然而互动的主题鼓励考虑一个地方内的不同特征,而运输则为考虑不同地方之间是如何相互关联提供了一个结构。蔡康永 同性恋
4.Places where transfers from one mode of transportation to another were required often were chosen as sites for manufacturing activities.在通常情况下,从一种运输方式转移到另一种运输方式的地方通常被选为进行制造活动的场所。
5.Often working as the sales representative in a given country or area , the agent represents the  exporting company ' s interest by selling its products , collecting payment and making sure that customers are satisfied .代理商通常在特定国家或地区担任销售代表,通过销售其产品,收取付款并确保客户满意来代表出口公司的利益。
6. In such a practice , an owner of a technological intellectual property ( the licensor ) allows Another Party ( the licensee ) to use , modify , and / or resell that property in exchange for a compensation ( consideration ).在这种做法中,技术知识产权的所有人(许可人)允许另一方(被许可使用人)使用、修改和/或转售该财产,以换取补偿(对价)。
7.For the franchisor , the franchise is an alternative to building “ chain stores ” to distribute goods and avoids the investments and liability of a chain .对于特许人来说,特许经营是
8.Tariff barriers are the most common form of trade restriction .关税壁垒,直接用关税手段来限制输入,通过征收高额进口税、进口附加税、差价税等来保护本国的竟争能力。关贸总协定的减税谈判削弱了关税壁垒的作用,但它仍是国家间贸易战的重要武器。
9. According to its function , import tariff can be divided into revenue tariff , protective tariff , prohibitive and retaliatory tariff ,按其功能,进ロ关税可分为财政关税、保护性关税、禁止性关税和报复性关税。四种关税具体如下:财政关税是指以增加国家的财政收入为主目的而征收的关税。保护性关税是设立非常高的关税壁垒来有效地消除与本国企业的竟争,或是消廉价竞争性进口货摧毁的危险。禁止性关税是指对某些商品加重课征,使之进口减到很低水平的一种关税。报复性关税是指当出口国家某种商品的出口违反了与进口国之间的协议,或者未按进口国的规定办理进ロ手续时,由进ロ国海关对该进口商品所征收的一种具有惩罚或性质的进口附加
10.Ad valorem duty is the one that is calculated as per a percentage of the value of the imported goods .根据其运作方式,进口关税主要分为从价税、从量税、选择税和混合
种。从价税是按进口货物价值的百分比计算的关税。“ ad valorem "意为“按照估价的,从价的”“ as per ”意为“根据”。从量税是以货物的数量、体积、重量等计量单位为计税标准的一种关税计征方法。选择税是对于一种进口商品同时订有从价税和从量税两种税率,在征税时选择其税较高的一种征税。混合关税即对同一种进口货物采用从价、从量两种标准课征的一种关
11. Anti - dumping duty is collected when importing country believes that there is a dumping ( a not universally defined concept that can mean the selling price in a foreign country is below domestic selling price , world market price or production cost ).当进口国认为存在倾销行为(这个概念无统一定义,可以指外国的销售价格低于国内销售价格、世界市场价格或生产成本)时,征收反倾销税。前缀“ anti -”意为“反对、相反、防止”。
12. Non - tariff Barriers 非关税壁垒,指关税之外的一切直接或间接限制进口的法规和措施,例如进口限额等。随着关税壁垒在贸易保护中作用的减弱,非关税壁垒则被广泛采用。
13.Embargoes贸易禁运。它指一国、数国联合或国际组织禁止对某国输出或从某国输入某外地买车本地上牌>波多野结衣 推荐
二、Marketing Management
(三)New words and expressions
managerial 管理的marketing 营销 superfluous 多余的 segmentation 细分
demographic 人口的psychographic 心理的position 定位association 联想
dimension 方面 distrust不信任 elicit 唤起 retain 保持,保留 asset 资产
Whereas 然而 external 外部的  marketing mix 营销组合
core marketing concept 核心营销概念  target market 目标市场
marketing channel 营销渠道  supply chain 供应链
integrated marketing 整合营销  external marketing 外部营销
1.Marketing boasts a rich array of concepts and tools .营销拥有许多慨念和工具。在本句中的 boast "意思为“骄傲地拥有”,后跟表示“优势,实力”等语义的内容。
2.There will always , one can assume , be need for some selling , but the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous .人们也许认为,总会有一些销售的需求,但营销的目的是使销售变得多余。
3.They identify and profile distinct groups of buyers who might prefer or require varying products and marketing mix .他们识别并描述不同的买家体,这些买家可能更喜欢或需要不同的产品和营销组合。其中的 profile ”指:“描述,概述”的意思。