作者:刘飞 姜红
        摘要:全球化背景下,世界各种文化加速撞击、交融,这是文化发展的必然趋势。近十几年来,中国国内到处都充斥着韩国的影视剧、流行音乐K- POP、化妆品、服装和电子产品等等,韩国流行文化风行一时, 出现了所谓的韩流现象。目前,这股韩流已经以各种形式渗透到了中国青少年这个体当中来,这虽然促进了文化的交流与发展,但同时也折射出我国的文化安全问题。本文通过剖析韩流风行的原因及其对中国青少年的影响,总结出韩流文化对我国文化建设的启示。马丽老公是谁
        关键词:韩流青少年 文化建设
        Korean Culture and Its Implications for Developing Chinese Culture
        LIU Fei JIANG HongAnhui Agricultural University傅园慧爸爸, Hefei金秀贤, Anhui 230036
        Abstract Under the background of globalization the world cultures speed bump
blending is the inevitable trend of cultural development. In recent years杜汶泽 田蕊妮 China’s domestic everywhere filled with south Korean TV dramas popular music K-POP cosmetics clothing and electronic products and so on popular Korean POP culture the so-called “Korean wave” phenomenon. At present the “Korean wave” has penetrated the Chinese youth in all forms of this group while promoting the cultural communication and development but also reflects the cultural security in China. Analyzes the cause of the "Korean wave" popular and its influence on Chinese teenagers summed up the enlightenment and reference of the experience in the cultural construction of the country.