一、 封面
二、 题目
三、 摘要
四、 目录
五、 正文
六、 注解,资料出处
1. 脚注
a) 一般注释采用脚注的形式,即在正文需注释处的右上方按顺序加注数码123…,在当页正文之下顶格写对应数码1、2、3、……和注文,回行时与上一行注文对齐,正文和脚注之间加一横线,长度约为页宽的三分之一。
b) 罗钢对标题的注释或对全篇文章的说明也以脚注的形式处理,但注号用*而不用阿拉伯数字,其他同于一般注释。
2. 夹注
(Ye 85)指叶圣陶编写的《朱自清文集》,第85页。
(Bloomfield 90)指L. Bloomfield 所著Language叶安婷第203页
七、 国际贸易流程参考书目
八、 全文限用5000~8000英文单词

I.  Works in English
Beauvoir, Simone de.  Le Deuxième SexeThe Second Sex.  Trans. H.M. Parshley.  1953.
Cixous, Hélène.  “The Laugh of the Medusa.”  Ed. Mary Eagleton.  Feminist Literary Theory.  Oxford: Blackwell.  1986.  245-264.
Diane Johnson.  “Ghosts”.  The New York Review of Books.  No. 1, Vol. 24, Feb. 1977.  1
Irigaray, Luce.  Je, tu, nous, toward a Culture of Difference.  Translated from the French by Alison Martin.  Routledge, New York and London, 1993.
Kim, Elaine H.  Asian American Literature: An Introduction to the Writings and Their Social Context.  Philadelphia: Temple University Press.  1982.
Kinston, Maxine Hong.  The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts.  New York: Random House, Inc.  1989.  197-255.
_______.  “Cultural Mis-readings by American Reviewers”.  Asian and Western Writers in Dialogue: New Cultural Identities.  Ed. Guy Amirthanayagam.  New York: G. K. Hall and Co.  1998.
_______.  Interview.  By Cui Shaoyuan.  Berkeley: University of California.  Jan. 31st, 2001.
_______. Interview.  By Zhang Ziqing.  “Transplant and Transform of the East and West Myths: An Interview with American Modern Chinese American Writer Maxine Hong Kinston”.  Berkeley: University of California.  Aug. 2nd, 1994.
Ling, Amy.  Between Worlds: Women Writers of Chinese Ancestry.  New York: Pergamon Press.  1990.
Shan Qiang He.  “Chinese American Literature”.  Ed. Alpana Sharma Knippling  New Immigrant Literatures in the United States.  Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1996.  43-62.
Smith, Jeanne Rosier.  “Monkey Mothers and Other Paradoxes: The Woman Warrior初中周记大全”.  Ed. Harold Bloom.  Asian American Writers.  Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers.  1994.  202-216.
Waley, Arthur, Trans. “The Ballad of Mulan”.  Eds. Mair, Victor.  The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature.  New. York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
Woo, Deborah.  “Maxine Hong Kinston: The Ethnic Writer and Burden of Dual Authenticity
”. Amerasia Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1990.  173-200.
Yin Xiao-huang.  Chinese American Literature since 1850s.  Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

II.  Works in Chinese
Chen Xiaolan (陈晓兰).  Nüxing Zhuyi Piping Yu Wenxue Quanshi (女性主义批评与文学诠释Feminist Criticism and Literary Interpretation).  兰州: 敦煌文艺出版社.  1999.
Hu Yamin (胡亚敏).  “Tan Nüyongshi Zhong Liangzhong Wenhua De Chongtu Yu Jiaorong”(谈《女勇士》中两种文化的冲突与交融The Confliction and Assimilation of Two Cultures in The Woman Warrior).  外国文学评论.  No. 1, Vol. 53.  北京:世界文学杂志社, 2000. 69-73.
Lu Gong & Pei Yali (罗钢,裴亚莉).  “Zhongzu, Xingbie Yu Wenben De Zhengzhi: Houzhimin Nüxing Zhuyi De Lilun Yu Piping Shijian”  (种族、性别与文本的政治后殖民
女性主义的理论与批评实践 “The Politics of Race, Gender and Text—An Analysis of the Postcolonial Feminist Theory and Critical Practice”).  北京师范大学学报, No. 1.  北京:北京师范大学出版社,2000.
Mu Yuan (牧原),. ed.  Gen Nüren Tao Ge Shuofa (给女人讨个说法 To Speak for Women).北京:华龄出版社,电视广告脚本格式1995.
Shen Fu-gen (沈甫根).  “Jinsidun Nüxing Zhuyi Piping Mianmianguan”  (金斯敦女性主义批评面面观 “Aspects of Kinston’s Feminist Literature”).  浙江大学学报.  No. 1, Vol.31, Jan. 杭州:浙江大学出版社,2001.  49-54.
Wang Yuechuang (王岳川).  Houxiandai Zhuyi Wenhua Yanjiu (后现代主义文化研究Study on Culture of Postmodernism).  北京:北京大学出版社,1992.
Wei Jingyi (卫景宜).  “Zhongguo Chuantong Wenhua Zai Meiguo Huaren Yingyu Zuopin Zhong De Huayu Gongneng: Jiedu Nüyongshi (Hua Mu Lan)”  (中国传统文化在美国华人英语作品中的话语功能——解读《女勇士》花木兰 “The Discourse Function of Traditi湖南专科学校的排名
onal Chinese Culture Manifested in English Writings by Chinese-Americans: Interpreting The Woman Warrior (Hua Mu Lan)”.中国比较文学.  No. 4, Vol.37, 1999.  73-85.
__________.  “Meiguo Huayi Yingwen Xiaoshuo Li De Zhongguoguan”  (美国华裔英文小说里的中国观 “China as Represented in the Novels Written in English by the Chinese American Writers”).  暨南学报.  No. 2, Vol. 23, 2001.  99-103.
Xu Yingguo (徐颖果).  “Meiguo Huayi De Zuyi Shenfen Yu Zhongguo Wenhua” (美国华裔的族裔身份与中国文化 “Chinese Americans’ Identity and the Chinese Culture: A Brief Analysis of the Chinese American Literature”). 西北大学学报.  No. 2, Vol. 31, 2001.  157-61.