1.--Can I help you ?
--Will a duck swim .没问题
2.This is the last place where I expect to see you.
3.It is an ill wind that blows nobody good .
4.It is a good horse that never stumbles .
5.The horse stumbles has four legs .
6.It is a wise father that knows his son.
7.Among the blind ,the one-eyed man is king.
Two heads are better than one .==Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind . Teach fish to swim.==Show off one’s proficiency before LuBan the master carpenter .
Treasury-secretary 财政部长
Federal Reserve Bank 美联储
Security Council 安理会
IMF:International Monetary Fund国际资金货币组织
He once again imparted to us his great knowledge ,experience and wisdom.
A short girl in a flat black straw hat appeared in the open doorway .
If dare to play the fox with me ,I’ll shoot at you at once .你要是敢对我耍滑头,我马上毙了你。
School of Foreign Language 外国语学院
Eat to one’s hearts’ content 尽情地吃
Heal the wounded and rescue the dying 救死扶伤
Many such expenditions ended in disappointment ,failure ,disaster and death .
Since hope was lost ,friendship was lost ,faith was lost ,liberty was lost –all was lost .
Only by mobiling all positive factors can we successfully transform the 5-year plan into reality.
1.知足者常乐 Happy is the man who is contended .
2.拿破仑 Napoleon Able was I ere I saw Elba . ere
conj prep 在…以前
3.电子计算机computer science 高能物理high
engery physics 激光 laser 地球物理 geophysics 遥远技术remote sensing 遗传工程genetic engineering
4.Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world
laugh .这位曾使全世界的人们发出笑声的人自己却饱受了辛酸。
Hesitate to press forward 畏缩不前
Build up confidence in ourselves 对自己树立信心
1.There are many reasons for lack of confidence ,but in general,they come down to two major ones .归结为Get overwhelmed 被击败
2.As for me ,I think a winner ,just like a genius ,results from one percent inspiration and
ninety-nine percent perspiration
Quicken the pace of 加快…的速度
But technology is not alaways a positve force in a modern life .
His words failed him for the moment .他一时说不出话了。
His accent betrayed him.他的口音暴露了他的身份、。Just then a white-haired woman en
tered support by the team leader .就在这时,一位白发苍苍的妇女由队长扶着走了进来了。
She was the only person he really wanted to know ,beacause she was ,he decided ,the only the other person alive who just his asge .
John is a machine .1.John 是台机器。2.John不停地工作。
1.不二价 one price
2.假眼 a glass eye
3.红眼的green eyed
4.九五折five percent discount/off ninety-five
percent charge
5.座钟 a standing lock
6.太平门emergency exit
7.堂屋a room with a southern expansion
8.抢险车a breakdown lorry
8.防暴警察riot police
9.裁军会议arms talk
10.消防队a fire brigade
11.寒衣warm clothes
12.候机室the depart lounge
13.油漆未干wet plaint
14.手扶拖拉机a walking tractor
15.死胡同a blind alley
16.简报newspaper clippings /cuttings
17.耐用消费品consumer durables
18.三角恋爱love triangel
19.唯你是问you are to answer to it
我们说到故事的后面去了。We are getting ahead of the story
●我才不管呢who cares ?
●我打算乘坐下一班车去北京。I am going to catch the
first train to BJ.
●要搞特殊化?没门。Trying to wangle special
priliviledge?No way .
●看钟tell time
●我看出了他的心事。I could read his thought . ●从他话音里,我能听出点东西。I can tell sth from
his tone of voice .
●我们将和厂家联系一下听听他们的意见。We will get
in touch with our producers and see what they have to say .
●他姓什么,我一时说不上来。I cannot recall at the
moment what his name was .
●说来话长。It is a long story .
●还是把事情说开了好。It’d be a good idea to get to
the bottom of the matter .
●自学者teach oneself / a self-taught student ●我心里的一个重担放下了。A heavy road was lifted
up off my mind.
●牛饮drink like a fish
see you again翻译●自言自语think alound
●开夜车burn the midnight oil
●天长地久as old as the hills
●鱼米之乡the land following with milk and honey
Three will be some much excellent wine in the
barret that a bottle of water will be lost in it.
Salt :
●Worth one’s salt =be qualified for
●Attic salt 语言文雅诙谐
●The salt of the earth 社会的中坚;有权势的
●Above the salt 坐上席,受尊敬
●Take sth with a grain with salt :not to
关锦鹏男友believe sb completely
1.A new dignity crept into his walk .不知什么时候他
2.But the long and exhausting trip proved too much.
3.They parted enemies.他们不欢而散,成了冤家对头。
4.My father and I have installed a cold-line .我和