After dinner that evening Mr Utterson went into his office and unlocked a cupboard. He took out an envelope. It contained
the will of Doctor Henry Jekyll, and was written in the doctors own handwriting.
'If I die, or if I disappear for more than three months,' the will began, 'I wish to leave everything I own to my dear friend Edward Hyde.'
This will had both worried and annoyed Mr Utterson. To a lawyer it was an unusual and dangerous kind of will. It was bad enough when Edward Hyde was only an unknown name, but now that the lawyer knew something about Hyde, the will worried him more than ever. It had seemed like madness before;
now it began to seem shameful. With a heavy heart Mr Utterson replaced the envelope in the cupboard, put on his coat and went to see his old friend Doctor Lanyon.
Doctor Lanyon was enjoying his after-dinner coffee. 'Come in, old friend!' he cried. The two men had known each other since their school days. They sat for several minutes, drinking coffee and talking companionably of this and that. At last Mr
Utterson mentioned the thoughts that were worrying him.
'I suppose, Lanyon,' he said, 'that you and I are Henry Jekyli's oldest friends?'
'I suppose so,' said Doctor Lanyon, 'but I don't often see him now.'郭冬临老婆
'Really?' said Mr Utterson in surprise. 'I thought you and he were interested in the same things.'
风古诗'We were at one time,' said Doctor Lanyon. 'But more than ten years ago Henry Jekyll became too-well, imaginative for me. He developed some strange, wild, unscientific ideas. I told him so, and I've seen very little of him since then.'
see you again翻译Mr Utterson looked at his friend's red angry face. ' Only a disagreement about some scientific question,' he thought. 'It's nothing worse than that.' Calmly he continued, 'Did you ever meet a friend of Jekyll's-a man called Hyde?'
'Hyde?' repeated Lanyon. 'No, never.'
Soon the lawyer said goodnight and went home to bed, where he lay awake for a long time thinking about Enfield's description of Hyde, and Doctor Jekyll's will. When at last he fell asleep, he was troubled by dreams. In his mind's eye he saw a faceless man marching over the child's body. Then he saw his old friend Jekyll in bed, while the same faceless figure stood over him. The facelessness of that figure worried him deeply.
石家庄旅游景点大全'Very well, Mr Hyde,' said the lawyer to himself, 'I will find you, and I will see your face for myself.'
During the next few weeks Mr Utterson spent many hours in the narrow street where Enfield had seen Hyde. He waited patiently near the mysterious door, hoping for a sight of Mr Hyde-and one dry, clear winter night he was successful.The street was empty and silent and small sounds carried a long way. The lawyer heard footsteps. He stepped back into the shadows
and waited. A short figure turned the corner and walked towards the mysterious door. Although Mr Utterson could not see his face, he felt a strong, almost violent, dislike for the stranger.
接下来的⼏周⾥, 厄特森先⽣花⼤量时间徘徊在恩菲尔德见过海德的窄巷⾥,他在神秘的门附近耐⼼等着,希望能碰见海德先⽣。在⼀个⼲燥,清明的冬⽇夜晚,他见到了海德先⽣。街上空荡荡的,寂静⽆声,⼀点声响就能传出去很远。律师突然听到了脚步声,他躲到阴暗处,静静等着。⼀个矮⼩的⾝躯出现在拐⾓,朝神秘的门⾛去。即便厄特森先⽣看不到陌⽣⼈的脸,但也能感觉到⼀种强烈的憎恨。
Mr Utterson stepped forward and touched him on the shoulder. 'Mr Hyde?'
'Yes, that' s my name,' said the stranger coolly. 'What do you want?'
'I see that you're going in. I'm an old friend of Doctor Jekyll's. My name is Utterson. You must have heard my name-may I come in with you?'
'Doctor Jekyll is not at home,' replied Mr Hyde. 'How did you know me?' he added sharply.
'First let me see your face,' replied the lawyer.
Mr Hyde hesitated for a moment, then he stood under the street light and the lawyer saw his face. 'Thank you,' said Mr Utterson. 'Now I shall know you again. It may be useful.'
'Yes,' said Mr Hyde, 'it may indeed be useful. Here, too, is my address. You may need it one day.' He gave the lawyer his address, which was in a poor part of London.
'Good God!' thought the lawyer, 'does Hyde know about Jekyll's will? Is that what he's thinking of?' But he said nothing.
'And now,' said Mr Hyde, 'how did you know me?'
'You were described to me.'
'Who did that?'
'I know people who know you.'
'Who?' asked Mr Hyde sharply.
'Doctor Jekyll, for example,' said the lawyer.