dog dog汪汪汪,cat cat喵喵喵
bird bird天上飞,monkey monkey最顽皮
tiger tiger王中王,zebra zebra黑又白
panda panda吃竹子,elephant elephant鼻子长
我是你的好朋友,见面问候说Hello,good morning早上好
good afternoon下午好,Zhangpeng,Zhangpeng 新朋友
This is Zhangpeng(新朋友)!
遇见你,我很高兴, nice to meet you.
遇见你,我也很高兴, nice to meet you, too.
水彩笔, 真漂亮, 彩丰富又鲜艳
yellow yellow 是黄,  blue blue 蓝又蓝
red red 是红,  green green 绿油油
orange orange 是橙,  white white 白又白
brown brown 像咖啡,  black black 黑黑黑
father,father, my father ,This is my father.
亲爱的妈妈是mother,my mother, my mother This is my mother.
调皮的兄弟my brother,my brother, my brother,This is my brother.
古天乐个人资料介绍文静的/妹妹sister,my sister, my sister ,This is my sister.
香蕉香蕉banana,苹果苹果apple ,桔子桔子orange,桃子桃子peach ,梨子梨子pear ,西瓜西瓜watermelon,草莓草莓strawberry ,葡萄葡萄grape
叮铃铃, 闹钟响,get up, get up 快起床,背上书包go to school,go home , go home快回家,Bye bye, bye bye,See you, see you是再见,Good night道晚安!
小朋友, 小朋友, 欢迎你到我家来,我家的东西/家具可多啦:
sofa sofa是沙发,    bed bed是小床 ,fridge fridge是冰箱, 
 chair chair是椅子table,  table是饭桌,  desk, desk 是书桌
shelf,  shelf是书柜, telephone ,  telephone电话机
Hello, hello, How are you ?Fine, fine, thank you.
and you , and you, and you?犯罪未遂
I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine, too!
同学们,开学啦! 文具用品少不了
pencil pencil是铅笔,  pen pen是钢笔
ruler ruler是尺子,  ball pen  ball pen圆珠笔
book book是书本,  eraser eraser 是橡皮
pencil case,pencil case文具盒,  sharpener sharpener卷笔刀
Shirt shirt, look at his shirt. 
Smart smart, it’s smart!
Blouse blouse, look at my new blouse. 
Pretty pretty, it’s pretty!
Jacket jacket, this is her jacket.
Nice, nice, it’s nice!
Sweater, sweater, that’s my sweater.
Nice ,nice, How nice!
学校举行时装秀, 各种衣服齐登场
coat coat是外衣, jacket jacket是夹克
skirt skirt是短裙, dress dress是长裙
shirt shirt衬衫, T-shirt T-shirt T恤衫 Sweater sweater是毛衣
park park是公园,go to the park(去公园)
cinema cinema 电影院, go to the cinema去看电影
zoo zoo 动物园, go to the zoo去看动物
supermarket supermarket 是超市 ,go to the supermarket去逛超市
长城长城 the Great Wall,go to the Great Wall去看长城
Tom 虽然年纪小,交通工具他都知道:
car car 小轿车, by car, by car 坐轿车
bus bus 公共车, by bus, by bus 乘公交车
plane plane 大飞机, by plane,by plane乘飞机
bike bike 自行车, by bike, by bike骑自行车
蛋糕蛋糕cake ,汉堡包汉堡包hamburger
鸡蛋鸡蛋egg , 冰激凌冰激凌ice-cream
milk , milk 是牛奶, milk, milk ,a glass of milk
juice, juice 是果汁, juice, juice, a glass of juice
coffee, coffee 是咖啡, coffee, coffee, a cup of coffee
tea , tea 是茶水, tea, tea, a cup of tea 
你拍一, 我拍一, tall tall高高高,  short short矮矮矮
你拍二, 我拍二, thin thin瘦瘦瘦, fat fat胖胖胖
你拍三, 我拍三, long long长长长, short short短短短
你拍四, 我拍四, big big大大大, small small小小小。
个子高,个子高,tall  tall;个子矮,个子矮,short short
高高瘦瘦 tall and thin;矮矮胖胖short and fat
头发长,头发长,long  long;头发短,头发短,short  short
眼睛大,眼睛大,big  big;眼睛小,眼睛小,small small