College English Test 1
Band Four
Part III Listening Comprehension
11.A) He is always complaining. B) He doesn’t care for his children.
C) He is not easy to deal with. D) He is happy with his life.
12.A) Call the telephone company. B) Fix the telephone.
C) Work in the telephone company. D) Stay at home.
13.A) He would love to go but has no time.
B) He cannot find the place.
C)He is not sure if he will go.
D)He will attend the party.
14.A) British English. B) American schools.
C) Language studies. D) New courses.
15. A) Wait a little longer.
B) Check the radio for traffic jams.
C) Go and buy something.
D)Look for the friend.
16.A) She visited her mother.
B) She picked up a parcel.
C) She saw off a friend.
D)She went to the post office.
17. A) Go to see a film. B) Try to relax.
C) Stay with her parents. D) She did not say.
18.A) She has too much to read.
B) She has to finish a job on time.
C) She can’t rest well.
D) She doesn’t like her lesions.
Questions 19 to 22 based on the conversation you have just heard.
19.A) Places the man has visited.
B) A paper the woman is writing for a class.
C) School activities they enjoy.
D) The woman’s plans for the summer.
20. A) She has never been to Gettysburg.
B) She took a political science course.
C) Her family still goes on vacation together.
D) She’s interested in the United States Civil War.
21. A) Why her parents wanted to go to Gettysburg.
B) Why her family’s vacation plans changed ten years ago.
C) Where her family went for a vacation ten years ago.
D) When her family went on their last vacation.
22. A) It’s far from where she lives.
B) Her family went there without her.
C) She doesn’t know a lot about it.
D) She’s excited about going there.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23. A) She’s unable to attend the study session.
B) She has seen a doctor recently.
四级听力练习C) She’s concerned about medical care.
D) She mentions the need for some medical tests.
24. A) Graduate school application procedures.
B) Funding for university education.
C) Winning the confidence of voters.
D) Preparing for an important test.
25. A) Tell her what to study for the history test.
B) Write a favorable letter of recommendation.
C) Advise her about how to run an election campaign.
D) Suggest a topic for a research paper.
Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. A) In the office / in the morning.
B) At home / in the evening.
C) In the park / at weekends.
D) Anywhere / anytime.
27. A) Your physical health.
B) Your emotional health.
C) Your attitude towards world.
D) Your relationship with others.
28. A) They felt thirsty and sleepy.
B) They felt tired and uncomfortable.
C) They felt happy.
D) They felt less tired and more energetic.
Passage Two
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
29. A) Benefits brought by electricity in industry.
B) Great changes in the life of Americans.
C) Rapid development of agriculture in the U. S.
D) Farm life yesterday and today.
30. A) Almost all farmers began to use electricity.
B) The cost of farming machines was growing high.
C) Automobiles began to be widely used in farming.
D) Telephone became available to all of the American farmers.
31. A) The farmers' lack of ability to compete.
B) More opportunities for social contact.
C) Convenience and pleasantness of farm life.
D) The increasingly high cost of modern machinery.
Passage Three
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
32. A) She helped a bicyclist in fighting off an attacker.
B) She was hit by a bullet while having a drink.
C) She was attacked by a man who was trying to rob her.
D) She was injured in a fight against a bicyclist.
33. A) On an early morning when the woman was running.
B) In the afternoon when the woman was having a drink.
C) In the evening when the woman was watching a baseball game.
D) In the morning when the woman was having a walk in a park.
34. A) She bit him in his shoulder.
B) She hit him with her strong fists.
C) She cried loudly for help.
D) She fought him off with the help of another man.
35. A) He was arrested by the police.