Directions: Write a position entitled On Disasters. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 人的一生中,可能会遇到一些灾难事件,给我们的生活带来意外 的打击。
2. 面对灾难,我们应该坚强,不要过于沉湎于悲哀,要积极面对人生。
四级满分3. 我的看法。
On Disasters
An old saying goes: Life is full of roses and thorns. As we all know, one’s life is full of unexpected events, some of which are wonderful and some of which are disastrous. Those heavy blows, such as, floods, snowstorms, and earthquakes, threaten to weigh one down.
However、it’s even worse if one can’t drag himself out of the grief in that mental break-down is more serious than the disaster itself. Instead of indulging oneself in sadness, one should take positive attitude towards life and contribute to the reconstruction of his or her life and hometown.
Yesterday, I witnessed a theft incident on my way home. While waiting for a bus, a woman took her wallet out and paid for a newspaper at a nearby newspaper booth,. After putting her wallet back into her handbag she began to look through the new titles when a
middle-aged man brushed past her muttering “Excuse me”. Swiftly, her wallet was in the man’s hand.
The crazy pickpocketing has bee a national epidemic and poses a grave threat to the residents’ and visitors’ property safety. Pickpocketing prevention, which is a tough task for police, makes senses. All sides involved in this problem must join their efforts to remove this social cancer.
Everyone shares the huge responsibility for demonstrating their justice at proper time. Personal responsibility is vital to build a harmonious society.
指出扒窃行为的危害,crazy,National epidemic和poses a grave threat to等词表现出此危
害的严重性。Tough和句中的比喻social cancer意在谴责此类卑劣行径。