今天我将通过以下几道机经题,跟大家说明下“ 怎么把3选1题的答题思路整理好并且避免答题误区”。
例1:Your school has a program that allows students to visit workplaces. What place would you choose to observe and learn about?
1.A science laboratory 2. A business office 3. A television studio
易出错点:题干问的是你为什么想去那里observe和learn about,所以我们常用的这个地方“能have fun”或者“让我relaxed”的理由在这里都不适用。
解题思路:我会从学知识的角度出发,比如因为我今后想去 business school(商科院校),那么选business office能帮我提前积累相关经验。另外2个,同理。
例2:Which of the following activities do you consider most enjoyable for a Saturday afternoon?
1. play sports game 2. be with friend 3. cook at home
易出错点:如果我选择play sports game,题目问的是“enjoyable”,那理由用maintain a good health 就不合适。因为保持健康更像是解释“它为什么重要”而非“它为什么让我享受”。
但如果题目是这样问的:Which of the following activities do you prefer the most on a Saturday afternoon?虽然这2道题很像,但后者没有问你具体“图什么”,所以这里你就可以说“maintain a good health”。所以也再次提醒大家一定要注意审题!
解题思路:选体育锻炼的话,“to make me relaxed”是一个很好的理由,因此我会用更多的细节来具体化“进行体育锻炼是如何让我放松的”,同样不会提及另2个。
例1:If you were to study a new form of art, which would you choose?
1. Wood sculpture 2. Portrait 3. Photography
解题思路:假如我们选photography,我认为这种题从正面说“它为什么好”会不太好说,因为我们考生大部分都是非专业者,具体细节很难给出来,导致答题没有说服力。但如果我选择说另外两方的缺点,比如“wood sculpture和Portrait太难了,需要a good foundation of art,而我没有,所以我学不会”,就会好说很多。
例2:Science / romantic/ horrible movies 你会选哪个?
解题思路:我会选romantic movies,其实理由很简单,我觉得不费脑。但我发现这个理由很难具体化、并且另外2类的特点又特别鲜明,所以这种情况下,我就会选择说另外2个如何不好。科幻类难理解、让我confused,恐怖片我会be afraid of horrible things,对比之下,我选择爱情片。
托福口语:Task 1“三选一”真题及解析
1.Sep. 12th, 2015
Which one do you think is the best way to get to know a city: joining in an organized tour, visiting the museum or walking along the streets?
参考思路:选择“joining in an organized tour”;Reason 1: professional knowledge from tour guides, Reason 2: fully concentrating on knowing the city without any burdens.
As far as I’m concerned, joining in an organized tour would be the best way to get to know a city. Most people are not so familiar with other places, and it would be unrealistic for them to do the research before travelling because they might be busy working or studying. If they just want to have some fun, there is no harm to visit the museum or walk along the streets. But if they reallyaim to know about a new city, they would need some professional knowledge which can be provided by the tour guides in the
organized tours. The second reason is that by joining in an organized tour, people don’t need to worry about terms like accommodation, flight tickets and other stuff because they are all set. In thisway, they can fully concentrate on knowing the city without any burdens.
2.Aug. 21st, 2016
Which period do you think is most challenging: childhood, teenage or adulthood?
参考思路:选择“teenage period”;Reason 1: start to face some new problems, Reason 2: face a dilemma to hold on to their own ideas or not.
In my opinion, teenage period is the most challenging one and I’ve got some reasons for that. First, teenagers start to face some problems like what to learn as a major anddealing with a relationship, something that is totally new to them. Basically they have to learn those by themselves. What’s more, compared to adults who can control their ownlives and kids who just rely on their parents, youngsters face the dilemma that they need to live a life in between. They might have their own ideas towards certain issues but just have to compromise. Those are the reasons why I think teenagers face the most challenges of all.
一谈到托福口语,众托友心里这个崩溃啊!第一次考托的更是这样的的(╯︿╰﹀) 苦瓜脸.......
事实上,几乎所有的外语使用者都或多或少带有一些自己特定的口音。在《新托福考试官方指南》附带的CD光盘中,可以到若干个口语考试的录音Sample,大抵听上一遍之后就会发现那些得了满分的考生,都各自有各自的特殊口音,他们的发音都不够标准、不够地道,然而这个事实并未影响他们获得满分;这是因为托福考试并不要求考生发音“标准、地道”,即便是4分(满分)评分标准中也只要求“ highly intelligible”。
重音把握错误是更为严重、也更为常见的现象。“specific” 这个词,很多中国学生都读成/?spes?f?k/,首先是第一个音节的/?/错读为/e/,而更为严重的是把原本在第二个音节的重音给挪到第一个音节上去了。很多单词都有若干个不同词性的衍生词,由于音节数量发生了变化,于是重音所在也往往会发生变化(有时还伴随着某些音节中的元音发生变化),请看economy、economics、economist、economical这几个单词,它们的重音分别都在哪里呢?