限时规范练16(模块三 Unit 2B)
There are big cultural differences between the US and the UK,despite having many similarities六条禁令.People talk differently,and not just in the accent or the words,but the general meaning.
Americans are very friendly.They will talk to strangers in a store,laugh with someone at a bar,and help their neighbours as necessary.Many expats (移居海外者) have reported difficulty in making really close friends like they had in the UK.The friendliness is only on the surface.
Many Americans are very family-centered.Family life includes endless school musicals,after-
class sports,birthday parties and the like.Many new expats report exhaustion trying to keep up with all the things to do with the kids when they come to the US.
Most Americans have never been abroad.The United States is a huge country.Go and look at a map of the US to get an idea.Many Americans feel they simply haven’t seen enough of their own country to consider travelling abroad to see another country.In addition,many people just don’t get enough holiday time to make it worthwhile travelling abroad,with holiday or vacation time often being as low as 7-10 days a year,and sometimes that includes sick days.
Most Americans are proud of Scottish or Irish or German or Italian ancestry,even if it has been centuries since anyone in their family lived abroad.Many Americans like to remember this not because they like the old country but because they like to show that their family came from immigrants (移民) who dreamed of a better life in America.By pointing out that fact,many feel they are meeting their ancestors’ wishes and dreams.
Making friends can be daunting.While for some in their 20s,they can reach out to those w
ho are also just starting out and form some lifelong friendships;for some who are older,in their 30s and 40s,with kids and a family,meeting others can be difficult.
1.What do expats think of Americans?
A.They are ready to help others.
B.They seem to be friendly to others.
C.They are fond of working with foreigners.
D.They easily make close friends with others.
2.Why do most Americans seldom travel abroad?
A.They have short holiday time.
B.They are short of money for trips.
C.They think it worthless to travel abroad.
D.They like their own country’s scenery better.
3.Why are most Americans proud of their British ancestry?
A.They love the old country.
B.They appreciate British culture.
C.关于战争与和平的作文They think their ancestors had made history.
D.They think they’re realizing their ancestors’ dreams.
Whenever I talk about personality in relation to choosing a career,some people complain like this:Those tests are so stupid.When I was in sixth grade,I took one of them and it said that I should be a farmer.While I don’t think I would be a very good farmer,the results are probably a lot more accurate than I’d like to admit.At the time,it seemed unreasonableI hated the outdoors and physical activities.Now,I think it might have had some points t
hat fit my personality:I like planning (good for planning how to grow crops),working by myself (for those long days on an agricultural machine),and sometimes working on a team (for harvest time).
Watch out for any personality test that claims to be able to tell you what your dream job is by the type of animal you’d like to be,or from your favorite breakfast food as a child.While there are many personality assessments that are accurate,I’d like to say that they are a second step.The best choice is self-assessment.
Before finding ways to know your work preferences,it’s important to make a clear difference between liking a topic and liking the work.I once met a third-year marine (海洋的) biology student at a large state school in Ohio.He was placed into the Whale Watch program,where he found out that he became violently seasick on any kind of boata big disadvantage for a student who thought he wanted to study whales in the wild.
The best match is a career in which the major tasks of the work are the tasks you most enjoy doing and the topic is one of interests.If that career doesn’t exist,my advice would b
e to take the job where there is a skill match.In this way,you will succeed at the basic tasks of your job and perhaps become interested in it.
4.What is some people’s opinion on choosing a career through personality tests?
A.It’s possible to lead to career failure周迅身高多少.
B.It’s helpful only in a limited way.
C.It’s unreasonable.
D.It’s worth a try.
5.What does the author think of the personality test she took when she was young?
A.She admits it forecasts her present job accurately.
B.She thinks it shows some part of her personality.
C.She finds it helpless for her.
D.She has little interest in it.
6.What is the best way to know your dream job?
A.Taking personality tests on your favorite things.
B.Doing accurate personality assessments.
C.Trying your dream job in practice.
D.Finding it out by yourself.
7.Why was the marine biology student unsuitable for his job?
A.He disliked the job.
B.He felt sick travelling on a boat.
C.He was afraid of marine animals.