1.Taikonaut [taikɔnɔ:t]
n. 太空飞行员|太空人|中国太空人(由汉语拼音taikong和astronaut缩合而成)
这并非是拼错了的英文单词。1999年11月21日中国成功发射“神舟号”无人宇宙飞船,世界各大媒体争相报道这个消息。在英文的有关中国不久就会发射载人宇宙飞船的报道中,第一次使用了Taikonaut,特指即“中国宇航员”或“中国太空人”。据称,马来西亚的赵里昱(Chiew Lee Yih)在1998年3月创造了“Taikonaut”(太空人)一英文词,并首先在某个网络科技论坛里使用。差不多同时,陈蓝(Chen Lan,音)在其“Go Taikonaut”的网页里使用它。这个词普遍被西方媒体用来称呼中国的太空人。“Taikonaut”由“太空”的汉语拼音“taikōng”和“船员”的英文缩写“naut”(或“航行者”的希腊文“naus”,“宇航员”的英文“Astronaut”删节组成。但在中国官方所发布的稿件中,多半坚持使用更带技术性的名词“航天员”(astronaut),意思为“太
2. screenager n.屏幕少年:指的是那些经常坐在电视机和电脑前,对各类技术信息领悟能力较强的年轻人。
不知从什么时候开始,我们的生活中到处都充斥着各种各样的屏幕,电脑屏幕、电视机屏幕、游戏机屏幕、还有手机屏幕,似乎离开了这些屏幕我们的生活就无法正常进行。于是,就有了这么一类人——screenager。 11月英文
Screenagers are techno-savvy young people, reared on television and computers. The term was coined in 1997 by Douglas Rushkoff in his book Playing the Future. He argues that young people who have used computers and other microchipped devices since infancy will have effortless advantages over their elders in processing information and coping with change when they reach adulthood.
It's as if they come into this world with a game controller in one hand and a mouse in the other. They're referred to as generation wired, cyber tots, digital kids and screenagers.
他们好像是一手拿着游戏机控制板,一手拿着鼠标来到这个世界的。他们被称为有线的一代、网络儿童、数码儿童、以及屏幕少年。(Northeast web)
4.phishing: 网上诱骗- -
  Phishing, also referred to as brand spoofing(哄骗) or carding, is a variation on “fishing,” the idea being that bait is thrown out with the hopes that while most will ignore the bait, some will be tempted into biting.
  Creating a replica of an existing Web page to fool a user into submitting personal, financial, or password data.
  The act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be an established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private information that will be
used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to visit a Web site where they are asked to update personal information, such as passwords and credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the legitimate organization already has. The Web site, however, is bogus(伪造的) and set up only to steal the user’s information..
  The term phishing comes from the fact that Internet scammers are using increasingly sophisticated lures as they "fish" for users' financial information and password data. The most common ploy is to copy the Web page code from a major site — such as AOL — and use that code to set up a replica page that appears to be part of the company's site. (This is why phishing is also called spoofing.) A fake e-mail is sent out with a link to this page, which solicits the user's credit card data or password. When the form is submitted, it sends the data to the scammer while leaving the user on the company's site so they don't suspect a thing.
5 workaholic的起源及演化.
在1968年,workaholic由work和aholic合成,其中aholic是由alcoholic演化而来,起源于Rodney Dangerfield的幽默“My old man was a workaholic: every time he thought about work, he got drunk(每次想到工作,他就如醉如痴)”。随后-aholic就表示“…狂…痴”。还有其他单词: sugarholic (爱吃糖的1965),  golfaholic (爱打高尔夫的1971), chocoholic (爱吃巧克力的1976), and shopaholic (购物狂1984