Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands.单元练习
1.    A. No, thanks.    B. You are welcome.    C. It doesn't matter.
2.    A. Yes, please.    B. I'd love to.    C. Here you are.
3.    A. Not at all.
    B. I hope you have a good visit.
    C. With my parents.
4.    A. It doesn't matter.
    B. Good idea.
    C. I'm glad that you like it.
5.    A. Since 2000.    B. In 2000.    C. Three years ago.
6.    A. Shake hands.    B. Bow.    C. Kiss.
7.    A. Some flowers.    B. A basketball.    C. A box of chocolate.
8.    A. Table manners.    B. Some sayings.    C. Life.
9.    A.     B.     C.
10.    A. China.    B. South Korea.    C. Canada.
11. What is David doing?w
    A. He is visiting Beijing.t
    B. He is writing his experiences in Beijing.h
    C. He is writing about Beijing.Y
12. How long did David stay in Beijing?6
    A. For a month.    B. For a week.    C. For two weeks.O
13. How many places of interest did David visit in Beijing?5
    A. Two.    B. Three.    C. We don't know.I
14. Why did David make some mistakes in Beijing?a
    A. Because of the different customs.h
    B. Because of his carelessness.P
    C. Because of the different languages.6
15. What did Lin Tao do when David made mistakes?y
    A. Laughed at him.    B. Helped him.    C. Did nothing.6
    In most Western restaurants and homes there are rules about how to talk and eat.Z
    Usually dinner is enjoyed with xvi.                , and people are not allowed to talk about xvii.                . For example, if someone wants to leave the table to use the toilet, he has to do it without mentioning what he is going to do.k
    Meals are always xviii.                . No eating noises are allowed. Therefore, people have to eat with their xix.                . While lady.gagaxx.                , coffee or wine, "slurping" is also not allowed.4
21.    Students are not supposed                 at school.A
    A. to smoke    B. smoking    C. smoke    D. smokesf
22.    Listening to the                 music always makes me                 .A
    A. relaxed; relaxing    B. relaxed; relaxed=
    C. relaxing; relaxing    D. relaxing; relaxed=
23.    My parents and teachers always                 me                 progress. So I have to work hard.
    A. hope; to make    B. wish; make
    C. expect; make    D. expect; to make
24.    It's too hard for him                 the exam. He hardly studies.
    A. pass    B. passing    C. to pass    D. passed
25.    It is important                 people                 learn team spirit.
    A. of; of    B. of; to    C. for; to    D. to; to
26.    --- I'm sorry. I didn't do a good job.
    --- That's OK. You did your best                 .
    A. after all    B. in all    C. at all    D. first of all
27.    The book is useful. It is worth                 .
    A. to read    B. read    C. reading    D. reads
28.    I used to eat a lot in the morning. However, I                 used to eating anything now because I always sleep late.
    A. don't    B. didn't    C. haven't    D. am not
29.    We all reached the top of the mountain                 Danny. He was too tired. So he stopped to rest beside the road.
    A. beside    B. besides    C. except    D. except for
30.    China is making great efforts                 the traditional culture.
    A. to develop    B. developing    C. developed    D. develop
31.    We are supposed                 the lost child at once.
    A. find    B. to finding    C. finding    D. to find
32.    --- Did you enjoy the concert last night?
    --- Not very much. The soft music made me                 . I soon fell asleep.
    A. excited    B. relaxed    C. surprised    D. interested
33.    --- You look sad. What has happened?
    --- Everyone                 us                 the match, but we lost.
    A. expect; win    B. expected; to win
    C. expect; to win    D. expected; to beat
34.                    is really hard                 them to climb Mount Qomolangma.
    A. This; to    B. It; for    C. This; for    D. It; to
35.    It's important                 the piano well.
    A. of him to play    B. for him to play
    C. of him playing    D. for him playing
36. Please listen to some light music, and it can make you feel r                .