Unit 5【刷基础】(词法句法过关练)
1._______ a new library _______ in our school now?
A.Is; built    B.Was; built    C.Does; build    D.Did; build
2.Tea _______ in the southeast of China.
A.is grown    B.are grown    C.grows    D.grow
3.The Great Wall ________   all over the world.
A.knows    B.knew    C.is known    D.was known
4.How many trees _______ next year?
A.are planted    B.have planted    C.will be planted    D.are being planted
5.When _______ the car was invented?
A.you think    B.do you think    C.you do think    D.do you think of
6.No children _______ to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary.
A.should allow    B.should be allowed    C.shouldn’t be allowed    D.don’t allow
7.—Do you believe that paper is made _____ wood?
—Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made ______ paper.
A.from; from    B.from; of    C.of; from    D.of; of
8.He is often made _______ for twelve hours a day by his boss.
A.work    B.working    C.to work    D.to be working
9.I find _______ difficult to remember everything, though I’m still young.
A.that    B.this    C.it    D.what
10.The garden _____ while they were away from here.
A.took good care of    B.was taken good care
C.was taken good care of    D.was taking good care of
11.— How much did you _______ the new skirt?       
— Fifty dollars.
A.spend    B.pay for    C.cost    D.take
12.On October 15, 2003 China _______ its second lunar orbiter Chang’e 2.
A.set out    B.set off    C.sent up    D.sent out
13.I like music very much, _______ playing the guitar and the piano.
A.such as    B.for example    C.for as    D.as like
14.If you study hard in English, you can turn boring words _______ exciting words.
A.to    B.over    C.into    D.off
15.No matter _______ I meet Mike, he says hello to me with a smile.
A.who    B.when    C.wherever    D.what
16.It’s a good habit of mine to read a few lines before _______ to bed.
A.go    B.went    C.gone    D.going
17.There are _______ sheep on the hill.
A.too much    B.much too    C.too many    D.many too
18.Changchun is famous _______ cars.
A.as    B.to    C.at    D.for
19.When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to _______arguing with each other.
A.compete    B.polish    C.avoid    D.produce
20.Lady Gaga is very popular, and she _______ by many boys and girls at school.
A.loves    B.loved    C.is loved    D.is loving
21.There are some plates, bowls and c________ on the table.
22.You have to cut it and eat with a f________.
23.He cut himself on a piece of broken g________.
24.My bike is made of s________.
25.Ann’s earring is made of s________.
26.Boys usually wear shirts and ties, and girls wear white b________ and skirts.
27.Have you ever been to F________?
lady.gaga28.I gave my mother a h________ as a birthday present. She can put some small things in it.
29.My m________ phone doesn’t work, I need to repair it now.
30.He never laughs at people when they are in t________.
31.Careless driving causes many t________ accidents.
32.The Mars and the earth have the same land s________ area.
33.Where is tea p________ in China?
34.Red is a s_________ of good luck in China.
35.That car was made in G________.
36.________ (棉质的) clothing will keep you cool on a hot day.
37.We spent the afternoon blowing up colorful ________ (气球) to decorate the house.
38.Be careful with these ________ (鲨鱼) because they’re very sharp.
39.My father likes collecting old ________ (硬币).
40.English is spoken ________ (广泛地) in the world.
41.How many ________ (产品) can you see in that shop?
42.We practice ________ (每日的) English with my brother every Friday evening.
43.My cousin is a ________ (邮递员). He sends letters and postcards to people.
44.Can you ________ (完成) this task in two hours?
45.I want to send my son to an ________ (国际的) school.
46.Changchun is ________ (闻名) for cars and movies.
47.________ (奶酪) is made from milk.
48.The paper, usually red, is folded before it is cut with ________ (剪刀).
49.According to Chinese history, sky______(灯笼)were first used by Zhuge Kongming.
50.Weifang is a city in Shandong. It is ________ (出名的) for kites.
51.In autumn, the ______ (leaf) turn yellow.
52.We crossed the road to avoid ________ (meet) our teacher.
53.There are ten ________ (competitor) for the first race.
54.This teacher had a strange way of making his classes ________ (live) and interestin
55.Our sports meeting ________ (hold) on the playground every year.
56.Paper ________ (cut) has been around for over 1,500 years.
57.English ________ (speak) in Canada.