Topics for mini-talk (one minute)
1. Can you describe some possible advantages of having a poor memory?
For example, you can forget the unhappy things easily.
easily turn your previous enemies into friends
forget the unhappy expieriences easily.
recover from hurt quickly. don't have to get self involved in the sad and unhappy memory but to look ahead. You can lose your bad memory , such as lose love , sad issues , or unsuccessful period
A poor memory may have some advantages. With the passage of time, the sad memories will fade. Those with a short memory tend to recover faster than those with a tenacious memory. For the same reason, forgetful people may be more ready to forget their daily w
orries and forgive others for their offenses. With a less retentive mind, they may enjoy life more
2. Do you think it is necessary for most of Chinese children to do a lot of difficult math problems for Olympic Math Competition?
Some parents believe that by doing a lot of difficult math problems, their children will have a solid foundation in math. Some parents even believe that trying to solve hard math problems will promote the growth of children's brains and help develop their logical reasoning ability and concentration, which will facilitate learning in other areas. On the other hand, many people believe that it is unnecessary and unnatural for children to study difficult math problems. Some people even believe that strict math training harms children's moral and physical development. Fierce competition may dampen the spirit of teamwork, which is so important in the contemporary world.
3. What study habits seem to be common among successful students?
Many top students seem to have these good study habits: They tend to have a strong sense of time and organize their time well. They may draw up their study plan well in advance. While studying, they check whether they are working ahead of schedule or lagging behind it. They usually work in a systematic way. Before class, they preview the text to get some idea about what the teacher is going to say and which part of the text is difficult. In class, they listen attentively, take notes of the main points of the lecture, and ask questions when they don't understand. After class, they review what they have learned. By going through the text and the notes, they can remember important information.
4. Should we be punctual for class, work, or appointments? Why?
In the past, Chinese did not attach much importance to punctuality. In an agricultural country punctuality was not very important. But nowadays, owing to the quickened pace of life and the influence of Western concepts of time, the Chinese seem to be paying more attention to punctuality. If somebody is twenty minutes late for an appointment, you
may be annoyed because it is a waste of your time. To avoid being late, we should make adequate preparations. In case an emergency prevents us from arriving at the destination on time, we can call ahead to inform the person concerned of the delay. But for entertainment activities like a party, we may be a bit late, for that causes no inconvenience to others.
5. If you wanted to start a business, which factors would you consider first? Why?
If I wanted to launch a business, I would consider all of these factors, for they all play an indispensable role. First of all, I would consider my ability. Since I majored in biology, I would be cautious in starting a company to sell something I am not familiar with such as building materials or DVDs. With my educational background, I may find it easier to run a company selling bio-tech products. The next thing I would have to take into account, is the money available. Suppose the establishment of a company required a capital of a million dollars, I would try to see whether I could get a loan. If not, I would give up the idea and try to set up a smaller service company that required less capital. Last but not le
ast, I would survey the market to see if the products I planned to deal with could be sold. If they were unmarketable, I had better give up the idea of founding a company in this area. If they sold well, then I would go ahead.
6. Name at least 5 recreational activities, and give specific comments on one of them.
Killers’ Night(杀人游戏Sanguo kill(三国杀)skip(跳绳)Hide and Seek(躲迷藏)
Throw handkerchief(丢手绢)
Hide and SeekFirst, we selected one by  some rules and covered his eyes and make him count, long or short is ok, while others must find a place to hide away in this period of time. And then It's time to find others. the one who was  found  firstly will be the one seeked in the next round. Games can be repeated
7. Can you think of some practical measures to protect forests?
I think the most important thing to do is to create a law to forbid the cutting of trees in certain areas. Even when timber(木料) is needed for construction英语二级口语考试(建设), logging(伐木工作 should be well planned. In addition to the law, we also need law enforcement personnel who will fine those who fell trees illegally. It is not enough to protect the existing forests. We must also plant trees to make new forests. We should also grow various types of trees to ensure bio-diversity. To make the a forestation program successful, the government should award those units and individuals that have made outstanding contributions.