1) Were they in Grade one last year?
2) Are the boys and girls enjoying themselves?
3) Will they go act?
4) Were the farmers picking apples this time yesterday?
5) Do they usually do sports in the afternoon?
6) Does he to his homework every day?
7) Did you help your mother?
8) miss a feiAre you going to have a meeting?
2、直接引语改为间接引语步骤:1)引导词:that, if / whether,特殊疑问词;2)变为陈述句;3)时态:主句为过去时,从句相应改变(如第9点);4)考虑人称、时间等变化。
1 He tells me: “ The moon goes a round the san.”
2 He told me: “ The moon goes around the san.”
3 He said: “ They were planning football on the playground.”
4 She said: “ I’m writing a letter to my grandma.”
5 My son said to me: “ I’m going to lone here.
6 Dad said to us: “ I can’t decide what to buy tomorrow.”
7 She says: “I’m a student.”
8 He tells me: “ I live in YiBin.”
9 She said to herself: “ I will come to the park tomorrow.”
10 Lucy says: “ I’ll come here.”
Miss Gao tad us: “ The sun rises in the east.”
1 Could you tell me: “ How many people are there?”
2 Does anybody knows: “ Whose pencil is this?”
3 Fei said to the policemen: “ How can I get to the zoo?”
4 Betty asked me: “ Which floor do you tine?”
5 I want to know: “ who will do it?”
6 He asked me: “ Where were you born?”
7 He asked me: “ How often do you cook a meal?”
8 The girl asked me: “ where are you going to visit tomorrow?
9 The teacher asked me: “ What were you dong?”
1 He wondered: “ Do you go to Beijing?”
2 I didn’t know: “ Are you born on July. 7th?”
3 Do you know: “ Did Mr Jones tine in Room2s?”
4 The little girl said to me: “ Do you know Mr. Gao?”
5 I asked Tom: “ Will you finish doing your homework?”
6 He asked me: “ Are you reading now?”
7 The little boy asked: “ Does the earth go around the sun?”
8 Tom asked me: “ Are you going to fly to shanghai?”
9 He asked me: “ Are you a student?”
4祈使句作间接引语(宾语从句),用ask sb to do tell sb to do 引导肯定祈使句,用ask sb not to do tell sb not to do 引导否定祈使句。
例:He said to me: “ Study hard.” He asked me to study hard.
She said to me: “ Don’t play in the street.” She asked me not to Play in the street.
练习:1) “ Don’t read in bed”. Mother said to me.
2) “ Get up early”. He said to me.
3) The teacher said to them: “ Don’t talk in class.”
4) Tom said to the cat: “ Run quickly.”
练习:1) The teacher taught me how to learn English.
= The teacher taught me _____ I _____ English.
2) I don’t know I shell do.= I don’t know what_____  ______.
3) I don’t know should do=I don’t know_____  _______.
4) I can’t decide which one to choose=I can’t decide which on _____ ________
5) Could you tell me how can I read there?= Could you tell me_____  _____  _______there?
1) Could you tell me if__ tomorrow?
A. he will com a  B. he comes  C. Will he come  D. he came
2) The teacher told us __on a trip .
A. will go  B. Was going  C. would going  D. goes
3) The scientist told us that __.
A. the earth goes around the sun  B. the earth go around the sun
C. the earth went around the sun
4) He asked __he was a student? A. \  B. if  C. what  D. How
5) Do you know__?  A. if Mr Jones live in Room 2?
B. did Mr Jones live in room2  C. if Mr Jones live in Room2
6) Dose anybody knows__? 
A. Whose pencil this is      B. Whose pencil is this
C. Whose pencil that was.    D. Whose pencil is that
7) He tells me__.
A. I live in YiBin in 1997  B. He live in YiBin in 1997 
C. He lived in YiBin in 1997  D. That he live in YiBin in 1997
8) My son said to me that__.
A. I’m going to come here tomorrow    B. He was going to go there next day    C. He is going to go there tomorrow
9) Miss Gao told us__.  A. if the sun rises in the east 
B. that the sun rose in the east  C. the sun rises in the east.
10) Scientist predicted that no one__ want to see actors talk.
A. will  B. would  C. is going to  D. are going to
11) We never know__  A. what will happen in the future.
B. what would happen in the future  C. what happened in the future
12) Some people believe__.
A. that there will happen in the future  B. if there would bt such robot one day  C. there will such robot one day
13) I don’t know __?  A. what I does  B. what to do  C. what I would do
14) She asked me if__?  A. I can copy my home work 
B. she could copy my  C. she will copy my homework