Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
restroom /restru:m/ n. (美)洗手间;公共厕所p.17
stamp /stæmp/ n.            邮票;印章    p.17
postcard /pəustka:(r)d/ n.        明信片    p.18
pardon /pa:(r)dn/ interj      .请再说一遍;p.18
washroom /wɔʃru:m/, n.      洗手间;厕所p.18
bathroom /ba:θru:m/ n.    浴室;洗手间    p.18
quick /kwik/adj.            快的;迅速的  p.18
rush /rʌʃ/ v. & n.            仓促;急促  p.18
suggest /sədʒest/ v.          建议;提议  p.19
staff /sta:f/ n.            管理人员;职工    p.19
grape /greip/ n.                  葡萄    p.20
central /sentrəl/ adj.    中心的;中央的    p.20
mail /meil/  v.    邮寄;发n. 邮件p.20
east /i:st/ adj.    东方的adv. 向东; n.东方 p.20
fascinating /fæsineitiŋ/ a.迷人的;有吸引力的p.21
convenient /kənvi:niənt/ a.  便利的;方便的 p.21
mall /mɔ:l/ n.            商场;购物中心 p.21
clerk /kla:k/, /kl3:rk/ n.              职员  p.21
corner /kɔ:(r)nə(r)/ n.          拐角;角落 p.21
polite /pəlait/ adj.    有礼貌的;客气的    p.22
politely /pəlaitli/ adv.    礼貌地;客气地    p.22
speaker /spi:kə(r)/ n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者
request /rikwest/ n.            要求;请求 p.22
choice /tʃɔis/ n.                选择;挑选 p.22
direction /direkʃn, dairekʃn/  n. 方向;方位    p.22
correct /kərekt/ adj.      正确的;恰当的    p.22
direct /direkt, dairekt/ adj.  直接的;直率的p.22
whom /hu:m/ pron.            谁;什么人
address / ədres/, / ædres/ n.    地址;通讯处p.22
faithfully /feiθfəli/ adv.    忠实地;忠诚地p.24
Italian /Itæli ən/ a.  意大利\人的;n. 意大利人\语
Kevin /kevin/                  凯文(男名)
Tim /tim/                      蒂姆(男名)
1.a pair of  一对,一双,一副              2.between A and B在a和b之间
3.on one’s / the way to  在去……的路上      4.pardon me  什么,请再说一遍
5.pass by 路过 经过                        6.look forward to  盼望 期待
7.excuse me 打扰了  请原谅                8.get some magazines 得到一些杂志
9.get some information about 获取有关……的一些信息10.turn left\right 向左\向右 转
11.go past 经过 路过                      12.a little  earlier  早一点儿
13.a good  place to eat  一个吃饭的好地方    14.in different situation 在不同的情况下
15.on time  准时  按时                    16.get to 到达
17.have dinner 吃晚餐                      18.on one’s / \the right在右边
19e on 快点  请过来                  20.the shopping center 购物中心
21.the  corner  of....... 的角落/拐角处        22.lead  into 导入  引入
1.not ……· until……直到……猜……  You never know until you try something.
2.let’s do sth 咱们做某事吧!
3.spend time doing sth  话费时间做某事      4.thank sb for doing sth 为做某事而感谢某
5.would  like to do sth  想要做某事            6.look forward to doing sth 盼望做某事
7. It seems (that)…
It seems a rock band plays there every evening.
8. Could you please ?
Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?
① take some food        take some medicine (=have吃,喝)            ② take notes做笔记      ③ take one’s temperature  ( 测量 )
④ It takes sb some time/money to do something  ( 花费,需要 )
⑤ I’ll take this coat.(=buy购买)
⑥ take somebody / something to ( 带领,拿去,取 )
⑦take a train to Chongqing ( 乘坐 )  ⑧ take off( 脱下)
10.turn 的用法
turn to page 80  翻到            It is your turn.轮到你了。
at the turning  在转弯处      turn on/ off/ up/ down 关
turn right/ left at the first turning /crossing
1. — Does my question sound     enough?
  — I don’t think so. You can ask more     by using “could” instead of “can”.
      A. politely; politely    B. politely; polite  C. polite; politely  D. polite; polite
2. It’s not enough  an English club.
    A. join    B. to join    C. joining    D. to joining
3. — You really went to the park last weekend?     
— Yes, I     go there. Look! This is a photo of me in the park.
    A. will      B. would  C. do      D. did
4. — I don’t know     next. — Let’s ask our teacher for help.
    A. what to do        B. what should I do  C. how to do 
5. — Would you like to go to the forest park or the water park?
Oh, it’s hard to choose.     are my favorites.
    A. Either    B. Neither    C. Both    D. All
6. — I wonder     we’ll go to the Children’s Park this weekend.
— We can go there by bus.  A. how    B. when  C. where    D. if
7. Could you please tell me    ?
    A. where is the nearest library  B. where the nearest library is
    C. where is the nearest bookstore  D. where the nearest bookstore is
8. What did you say just now?  — I asked her     .
    A. where is the hotel                B. where the hotel is
miss a fei        C. where was the hotel                D. where the hotel was