The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。
He is my best friend.他是我最好的朋友。
This is his longest rope.这是他最长的一根绳子。
Her oldest daughter is eleven years old. 她的大女儿十一岁
The peony is at its brightest. 牡丹花正在盛开
I know she is at her worst. 我知道她这时情绪最糟
These latest movies have been uploaded to the internet. 这些最新的电影已经被上传到网上
Hainan is Chinas largest special economic zone and youngest province. 海南是中国最大的经济特区,也是最晚设立的省份。
They are happiest on Saturdays.他们在星期六最快乐。
Which of the boys is (the) strongest?这些孩子中哪个最强壮?
He is busiest on Monday.他星期一最忙。
I think her plan is best. 我认为她的计划最好
He works hardest when doing something for his family.他为自己家做事时最卖力。
Kate is happiest on her birthday. 凯特生日那天最幸福。
He is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.他是班上年龄最小、个子最高的男孩。
That book is most interesting.那本书非常有趣。
Lucy is most(=very) beautiful.露茜很漂亮。
He is a most amazing person. 他是一个非常了不起的人。
It is a most beautiful picture. 它是一张十分漂亮的画
She is a most mysterious person. 她是一个非常神秘的人
I found it most difficult to get to sleep.我发现入睡最难。
We find it most difficult to learn Russian. 我们发现俄语最难学。
He finds it most important to learn English. 他发现学好英语最重要。经济特区有哪几个
6.句型“It is best to do sth.(最好做某事)”中的最高级best前不用the。例如:
It's best (for you) to finish your homework first. 你最好首先完成你的家庭作业。
It is best to come to China at this time of year. 最好在这个时节来中国。
With best wishes for you.向你致以最美好的祝愿。
Best wishes for setting new record. 预祝创造新成绩
Warmest congratulations on your appointment as managing director. 热烈祝贺您就任董事
Do utmost settle claim least loss. 请尽力以最小亏损解决索赔
You mean the shortest boy runs fastest. 你是指那个最矮的男孩跑得最快
She behaved most generously. 她表现得最大方。
He talks (the) least and does (the) most in his class. 他是班上说得最少干得最多的
Jack jumps (the) highest but runs (the) most slowly of the three boys. 这三个男孩中杰克跳的最高但跑得最慢
Of all the subjects, I like English (the) best. 在所有的课程中我最喜欢英语