李敏芝>五一节法定休假几天Like naruto,he is kind-hearted and enthusiastic.He was late for helping the elderly for many times,but his talent is mediocre.Therefore,he was despised by his classmates.He was even called the"crane tail"of the yuzhibo family.However,he has a firm belief in the earth and has been working hard to get recognition from others and to become a shadow of fire.In the team led by the wave wind water gate,Yu Zhibo takes Tu,Qimu Kakashi and Yeyuan Lin are members.Dai Tu secretly loves Lin,but Lin likes Kakashi.Qimukakashi is known as a talented ninja,but he has ordinary qualifications.Because of their different personalities,they often quarrel.But in fact,the two people in my heart have a continuous shackle and deep friendship.成毅个人资料
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