➢Part One: Listening
一、判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合用“F”表示。( ) 1. Rose is an English girl.
( ) 2. Rose’s father works in a horse-riding school in England.
( ) 3. Rose has been riding a horse for about eight years.
( ) 4. She goes horse-riding every day.
( ) 5. She gives the horses water before the lessons start.
( ) 6. She can ride horses for free.
1.Jenny is an ___________ girl and she is a ___________ school student.
2.Jenny’s father who is a___________ works to make the city___________.
3.Jenny’s mother who is a ___________ likes ___________ very much.
4.Jenny’s sister, a ___________, always goes to___________ with her boss.
5.Jenny wants to be a ___________ because she wants to make___________ people feel better.
➢Part Two: Exercises
( ) 1. He is a good student and he often ___________ his homework in the evening.
A. does
B. do
C. is doing
( ) 2. The sun ___________ in the east.
A. rise
B. is rising
C. rises
( ) 3. Jenny ____ in an office. Her parents ____in a hospital.
A. work; works
人妖rose资料B. works; work
C. work; are working
( ) 4. The picture _______ nice.
A. looks
B. look
C. is looking
( ) 5. They _____ the office in time every morning.
A. reach to
B. arrived
C. get to
( ) 6. She doesn’t __________ her homework in the afternoon.
A. doing
B. does
C. do
( ) 7. --How ___________ he go to work? --He ___________ to work by bike.
A. does; go
B. do; go
C. does; goes
( ) 8. _____ she _____ home at six every day?
A. Is; leave
B. Does; leave
C. Does; left