1. 古人云:“被服而不知悔过,吃肉而不知荤腥”,亦庄亦谐,亦物亦我也。 (原文)
The ancients have said, "One can indulge without remorse, and eat meat without concern for its nature." This is both solemn and playful, transcending the self and yet rooted in it. (翻译)
2. 平生自有兴,无入瓮者。 (原文)
Throughout my life, I have had my own joys, without conforming to others' expectations. (翻译)
3. 悲夫!故人之意又何在哉? (原文)
How pitiful! What have become of the intentions of my old friends? (翻译)
醉翁亭记翻译4. 黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。 (原文)
The Yellow River winds through the white clouds in the distance, and amidst the vast mountains stands a solitary city. (翻译)
5. 吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝孤月而 sigh,不如旦暮之所期也。 (原文)
I have spent whole days in contemplation, but it is not as rewarding as a moment's learning; I have sighed under the lonely moon, but it is not as fulfilling as the anticipation of dawn and dusk. (翻译)
6. 八月湖水平,涵虚混太清。 (原文)
In August, the lake's surface is calm, reflecting the void and merging with the transcendent clarity. (翻译)
7. 月出惊山鸟,时鸣映野人。 (原文)
As the moon rises, it startles the mountain birds, and their chirping echoes among the pe
ople in the field. (翻译)
8. 良辰美景奈何天,赏心乐事谁家院? (原文)
Despite the beautiful morning and scenery, how could one predict the weather? Who can guarantee pleasure and enjoyment within the confines of one's courtyard? (翻译)
9. 知君何事泪纵横,断肠人在断肠城。 (原文)
I wonder why tears flow freely from your eyes, as if your heart is being torn apart. A broken-hearted person resides in a city of broken hearts. (翻译)
10. 昨夜枕边无幸遇,今朝曈曈有鸿鹄。 (原文)
Last night, there was no fortunate encounter by my pillow; this morning, there is a majestic and noble presence. (翻译)