何 冰1,李旺民1,丁建勋1
(1.珠海市测绘院,广东 珠海 519000)
摘 要:从统合土地资源与城乡空间地理信息出发,通过开展自然资源测绘地理信息服务平台建设与应用研究,实现了面向城乡自然资源统一管理的一体化、智能化、精准化的测绘技术服务支撑。
关键词:自然资源测绘;高集成度测绘生产;多源异构时空信息融合;时空信息智能服务中图分类号:P208                                              文献标志码:B
绘信息技术服务体系为目标,以集约数据生产→高效信息整合→智能定制服务为主线,从测绘数据集约生产、时空信息高效融合、网络一体智能服务三个方面建设“自然资源测绘地理信息服务平台”,进而构建一体化、智能化、精准化的测绘服务。平台采用基于企业服务总线的面向服务架构(SOA ),分为数据层、支撑层、服务层、应用层及用户层等五层架构。构建自然资源测绘技术标准体系、网络一体化及安全保障体系,以珠海市北斗连续运行卫星导航与位置服务系统为空间基准支撑,实现面向城乡自然资源统一管理的一体化、智能化、精准化的测绘技术服务。平台总体框架如图1所示。
2.1  高集成度自然资源测绘数据生产
1)面向地理实体的GIS 模版定制技术。模板定制技术不仅保证同一生产过程的不同作业者使用同一模板作业,达到作业成果的统一,实现标准化的规模生产,而且在不同生产过程都能执行统一既定标准即同一模板,如外业、内业、建库等统一模板,从根本上保证了自然资源测绘信息数据一体化生产,简化生产流程。基于国家、省、市自然资源测绘相关政策法规及规范、标准,制订兼顾国标与珠海地方特的自然资源测绘标准规范,并采用GIS 模板定制技术设计面向地理对象实体的表达和存储模型,实现和固化数据采集标准,使标准得以高效、准确的 执行。
。采用基于RSA 的多重加密算法,大大拓展了基准转换的应用场景,将该项技术应用于CORS 系统,基于ZHBDCORS 安全防护系统,实现了基于网格法的基准转换与应用新模式。
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㜖♢䉰⎼̿䷄  Ͽ
图1 平台总体框架
3)基于规则库的自然资源数据零向导定制技术。传统自然资源测绘数据处理存在跨平台频繁切换的技术瓶颈。通过研究基于GDAL/OGR 的自然资源测绘矢量数据处理模型,实现了不依赖第三方平台的高集成度数据处理[2]
2.2  自然资源多源异构时空信息融合2.2.1 跨平台多源异构数据信息映射技术
不同系统的数据格式对同一地理实体表述的方式存在差异性,但表达的内容或信息却存在一致性。自然资源数据分散且复杂,制约了自然资源数据的服务效能。通过在传统GIS 地理要素编码(主码符号)的基础上嵌套具有实际意义的地理要素子码,使得符号化技术超出图面表达的应用范畴,将地理要素按照可
2.2.2 面向对象的时空信息聚合
2.2.3 支持动态更新的时空信息智能服务
2.2.4 平台应用
⤌⊣    ⩔  㐋䃍喋2019  喌
图2 自然资源数据分析
3结 语
形无缝坐标转换[J].测绘科学技术学报,2012(4):249-253 [2]高春辉,李旺民,卢尚龙.高集成度土地审批测绘信息系统设
何 冰等:自然资源测绘地理信息服务平台关键技术研究
Index (Vol.19,No.6)
GEOSPATIAL INFORMATION ·IV ·Design and Implementation of VGI Vector Road Network Fusion System  by WANG Yandong Abstract  Aiming at the existing problems of road extracted from remote sensing images and considering the rapid development of VGI data, we analyzed and
proposed the key technical process of VGI road network fusion, designed and
implemented the VGI vector road network fusion system. Experimental result
shows that the integrity and usability of data are significantly improved after
integration. The system has been successfully applied in the global mapping project.
Key words  crowdsourcing geographical data, road network fusion, system design,
system implementation (Page:1)
何冰Research on Data Quality Evaluation Method for NJCORS by GAO Fensheng
Abstract  In this paper, we used TEQC data quality analysis software to analyze
the data integrity rate and multi-path error of the NJCORS data from January to
November 2019, and performed visual evaluation of observation data quality in
terms of signal noise ratio and cycle slip ratio. In order to continuously deepen
the application of basic surveying and mapping in the development of Nanjing ’s
national economy and society, it is of great significance to continuously strengthen
the ability and level of surveying and mapping geographical information services,
society, and people ’s livelihood in Nanjing.
Key words  GNSS, CORS, data quality analysis, TEQC (Page:6)Design and Implementation of UAV Image Spatial Resolution Evaluation
Software by ZENG Anming Abstract  In this paper, we proposed a high-precision pixel level resolution evaluation algorithm, designed and developed the corresponding evaluation software. The experimental result shows that this software is able to achieve a comprehensive, systematic and efficient UAV image resolution quality inspection.Key words  UAV image, resolution evaluation, pixel level, outer orientation element, digital elevation model (Page:10)Research and Realization of AR Intelligent Map of National Geographical Conditions by WANG Xiaoqing Abstract  In this paper, we studied and summarized a set of key technical system for geographical conditions AR intelligent map. We used the “Map +AR” mode to build a technology map production. Then, taking Qinghai Pro
vince for example, we explored the method to represent the paper map and the mapping characteristics for the national conditions topical data and the geographical identification library on the supporting paper map. Moreover, we researched the visualization technique and comprehensive expression method for the multi-source national conditions data in the virtual-real fusion scene. A new model and method for the application of geographical conditions census results has been constructed.Key words  geographical conditions, AR, paper map, virtual-real fusion, multi-source data, visualization (Page:13)
Extraction of Flood Submergence Information from GF-3 and Sentinel-1
by ZHOU Fan Abstract  In this paper, taking the flood disaster in Sri Lanka, which started on May 25, 2017, as the research object, based on the multi-period data obtained by GF-3 and Sentinel-1 during and after the disaster, we used the optimal extraction method that according to the regional characteristics to extract the multi-period flood submergence range. At the same time, we validated and analyzed the results of Sentinel-2 observation data, the elevation data of the research area and the disaster area officially announced by the local authorities. The results show that Sentinel-1 has more noise points than GF-3, and more mountain shadows are extracted by mistake, which leads to larger flood area extracted by Sentinel-l, and the GF-3 extracted flood area is closer to the official flo
oded area. By comparing the application of GF-3 and Sentinel-1 in Sri Lanka, it is found that GF-3 has accurate accuracy in flood disaster information extraction. On the other hand, through the application of GF-3 and Sentinel-1, more flood process information can be obtained and reliable data support can be provided for disaster prevention and mitigation.Key words  GF-3 satellite, Sentinel-1 satellite, flood, multi-temporal (Page:17)Aerosol Optical Depth Distribution and Change in Guangzhou during the Important Public Health Emergency Period by LIU Rui Abstract  In this paper, we used MODIS data to retrieve aerosol optical depth (AOD)on January 1st , January 31st , February 22nd , February 24th , March 15th , April 9th , and April 27th  in Guangzhou by dark target method, and analyzed the spatial distribution and change of AOD in Guangzhou during the domestic COVID-19 epidemic. The results indicated that Guangzhou ’s AOD reached to the lowest on January 31st , when Guangdong Province executed Level-I alert of emergent public health incidents and reduced human activities. After February 22nd , the AOD generally increased, when the city turned into the stage of work resumption. This study shows that it is fast, economical, and applicable to use MODIS-retrieved AOD to monitor human activities for governmental surveillance and decision-making during important public health emergency occurring period.
Key words remote sensing, AOD retrieval, city activities monitoring, prevention and control of importa
nt public health emergency (Page:22)Discussion on the Generalization Method of Track Line in Basic Geographical Conditions Monitoring by GONG Qichen Abstract  Taking ArcGIS ArcScan module as the core, we elaborated a generalization method of track line in the geographical conditions census in the
field, which could meet the production requirements of the project and greatly improve the production efficiency.
Key words geographical conditions, track line, ArcGIS, ArcScan (Page:26)
Research on Key T echnologies of Geographical Information Service Platform for Surveying and Mapping of Natural Resources by HE Bin Abstract  With the rapid development of economy and society and the further promotion of smart city, it puts forward higher requirements for obtaining high efficiency, processing automation and service networking of information of surveying and mapping of multi-natural resources. In the past, the management of natural resources caused the problems of information dispersion and coordination, spatial datum was not uniform, data were complex and updated frequently, geographical information was isolated and network service was required. In order to solve the problems, based on the integration of land resources and urban and rural spatial geogra
phical information, through the construction and application of natural resources mapping geographical information service platform, we realized the integrated, intelligent and accurate surveying and mapping technology service support for the unified management of urban and rural natural resources. Key words  surveying and mapping of natural resources, high-integration mapping production, multi-source heterogeneous spatio-temporal information fusion, intelligent service of spatio-temporal information (Page:29)Spatio-temporal Big Data Platform Cloud Computing and Its T ypical Application
Services by SHEN Fengjiao Abstract  In this paper, we introduced the basic structure of smart city spatio-temporal big data platform, focused on the basic principle, operation flow and main functions of cloud computing framework in the construction of spatio-temporal big data platform, and designed and implemented it with the mature technology of the current market. Based on the basic framework of cloud computing, we designed and implemented three typical cloud computing application services, which could provide reference for other cities to enhance the cloud computing service capability of spatio-temporal big data platform.
Key words  smart city, spatio-temporal big data platform, cloud computing, typical cloud computing application service (Page:32)
Research on Management Method of Large Scale Spatial Trajectory Data
by JIANG Cuiyun Abstract  By using the Geohash encoding rules as a way to generate spatial indexes for spatial trajectory data, we designed a management scheme for spatial trajectory data based on ClickHouse DBMS. And the scheme took advantage of the Geohash features to improve the efficiency of spatial query. To verify the superiority of scheme ’s efficiency, we compared the efficiency of data management and retrieval by AIS ship trajectory data and traditional PostGIS spatial data storage framework.Key words  spatial big data, ClickHouse database, Geohash encoding, spatial query  (Page:35)
Application of Satellite Remote Sensing T echnology in Environmental Protection
by GUO Fengyun Abstract  In this paper, we described the application status of satellite remote sensing technology in environmental protection. According to the specific needs of environmental protection in Xinxiang City, we used the remote sensing map interpretation technology to solve the monitoring problem of large-scale surface solid pollution sources, and introduced the atmospheric aerosol inversion technology to realize the spatial situation analysis of regional PM 10 index. Combining with the measured data of the ground station, we used the linear fitting and regression an
alysis method toquantitatively evaluate the feasibility of the application of the satellite remote sensing data in environmental protection. The results show that the satellite remote sensing data and the measured data of the ground station are highly correlated. Satellite remote sensing technology has the advantages of large-scale, time-saving and labor-saving, and has a broad application prospect. However, the aerosol quantitative inversion technology is not perfect and needs further research.Key words  satellite remote sensing, environmental protection, map interpretation, aerosol inversion (Page:39)Design and Implementation of Mountain Earthwork Volume Calculation System Based on ArcGIS Engine by HUANG Lixin Abstract  In order to solve the calculation problem of earthwork volume under complex terrain in mountainous areas during foundation engineering construction, combining with the features of mountainous terrain, using the panoramic view GF-2 image data and high-resolution DEM data, according to Visual Studio 2010, ArcGIS Engine10.2 and DevExpress15.2 development platform, based on the integrated development environment of C #.NET development language and component technology, aiming at how to quickly, efficiently and accurately calculate the earthwork volume of mountains terrain, we designed and developed a measurement and calculation system. The system had the basic data management function of the conventional software. Aiming at the calculation problem of earthwork volume in mountainous areas, we added the functions of eagle eye synchronous browsing, remote sensing image and TIN data superposition
display and 2D and 3D scene linkage, which could effectively integrate the 2D and 3D data of the region and increase the visualization effect. We developed the function module of earthwork calculation and drawing section drawing. Finally, we verified the feasibility and practicability of the system through actual case calculation, which could provide surveying and mapping data service for engineering construction.Key words  ArcGIS Engine, mountain earthwork volume calculation, 2D and 3D integration, calculation system (Page:42)