1. 通读全文。通读全文、弄清楚段落大意及文章的中心意思以及作者的基本观点、态度,正确理
2. 按题查读,即根据问题去寻答案。
3. 简练作答。组织答案时,注意避免语言错误,如:时态、主谓一致、句子结构和拼写等。如需
4. 认真核查。逐一检查所填的词是否符合原文主旨和细节,是否答非所问,是否仍存在语法、词
5. 答案形式要符合提问方式。如原文中提问方式为“why”,那么就要用“because”引导的从句来回
1)用How提问,回答要以by/through doing开头
A.How did the judge solve the student’s problem?
B.(The judge solved the problem) By making the restaurant owner hear the sound of the falling coins.
2) 用where/when提问,要以介词in/ on/ at等开头
A.Where did the student live?
B.In a small room near a restaurant
A When did Eppie Lederer begin to write an advice column for the Chicago Sun Times?
B In 1955. (or: After she won a contest.)
3)用how many提问,要注意数字前是否有限定词more than/ at least/about等。
A How many readers do the two columns have?
B Nearly 200 million readers (around the world).
4)用why提问,要以because(of) 开头回答, 或者以To do开头回答。
A Why did the student feel afraid?
B Because the judge said he was wrong / he had only a few coins/ he had no money.
A. Why did Lederer ask her readers to write letters to The U.S. Congress?
B. To make them pass the law.
A.Whom did Sam live with in the Wild Catskill Mountains?
B.He lived with himself.
6)How long提问时要注意区分在现在完成时态中要用for+一段时间(since+时间点)开头回答,其他则直接回答。
A.How long have you stayed in Shanghai? B. For 3 years.
A. How long did it take you to go to school by bus?
B. 3 hours.
7) 注意回答时态:
A. How was the food in the restaurant?
B. The food was delicious/good.
Example 1. Both Eppie Lederer and Pauline Phillip love their jobs, don’t they?
步骤:A. 去掉反义部分(即don’t they)
B. 把前半部分的陈述句改为疑问句,即
Do both Eppei Lederer and Pauline Phillip love their jobs?
C. 可以正常回答了。
Example 2 The student wasn’t happy living in the small room, was he?
步骤:A. 去掉反义部分(即was they)
B. 把前半部分的否定句改为肯定句,即
The student was happy living in the small room.
C. 再把肯定句改为疑问句,即Was the student happy living in the small room
D. 可以正常回答了。
Based on her speaking, how do we stay young, to laugh or to cry?
回答时,不以yes/no开头,直接选择其中一项回答,即 We stay young to laugh.
A. As a teenager, will you run away from home? Why?
B. Because this was just the kind of forest he always dreamed about
比如:1) He has been to Japan, hasn’t?
2) He hasn’t been to Japan, has he?
3) He has never been to Japan, has he?
如果“他去过日本”,则三道题目的答案都是:Yes, he has.
We don’t know exactly when George Washington Carver was born, but it was probably sometime in the 1860s. His mother was a slave(奴隶) owned by a farmer in Missouri(密苏里州)named Moses Carver. Young George Carver was fascinated by plants and flowers. He tended(照料)his own little garden. People began to see what a gift (天赋)
he had for growing things. They called him the “the plant doctor” and asked him to help them grow their gardens better.
People don’t know the exact birthday of George Washington Carver, do they?
Rule No. 1: Justice (正义) is most important.
No matter how smart he or she is, the most important quality for a detective is being good. In the movie, Lord Blackwood and Sherlock Holmes are both very intelligent. The difference is that Lord Blackwood is a bad man and he does bad things. Holmes can beat him on the side of justice.
Being intelligent is the most important quality for a detective, isn’t it?
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Anna lived on the side of a valley (山谷). One winter, there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses down below Anna’s house were washed away. Anna’s house was high enough to escape the flood, so when the water had disappeared and the other houses were standing there with no roofs and walls and all covered with mud, her house was still quite all right. That year Anna’s was very lucky.
Her house was quite small and there were only two small bedrooms, her husband was de
ad when the children were very young, and she had four children, but Anna took in one of the families that had lost everything in the flood and she shared her home with them until it was possible for them to rebuild their house.
Anna’s friends were very puzzled (困惑) when they saw Anna do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give herself so much more work and trouble when she had already quite a lot of children to support. Life would be even harder when another family joined them.
“Well,” Anna explained to her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived in Germany found herself very poor, because her husband had been killed in the war and she had a lot of children, as I ha ve now.”