Here it is, folks, the script for Pirates of the Caribbean: at World's End!这里是,伙计,对加勒比海盗脚本:世界的尽头! We have typed it all up from memory and by ear, so there are sure to be some mistakes.我们的输入所有从内存和耳朵,所以肯定会被一些错误。 Comments and corrections are welcome; email to jack_5845@yahoo .批注和更正欢迎;jack_5845@yahoo。 (Special thanks to Beriawen for help with Jack's Latin.) We will update it periodically to include corrections. (特别感谢与杰克的拉丁帮助Beriawen。)我们会定期更新,包括更正。 Read on, and enjoy!阅读,欣赏!
Version 1.4, 6/30/07版本1.4,07/06/30
First posted 6/6/07第一张贴07-6-6
Transcribed by Fedah & Colozamia转录由Fedah&Colozamia
Download script as a pdf file 下载脚本为PDF文件
DISCLAIMER: We do not own any characters, rights, etc. or know anyone who worked on this movie. 免责声明:我们不拥有任何字符,权利等,或者知道谁对这部电影工作。 This sc
ript is for your reading enjoyment only; anyone wishing to use it for anything other than personal reading should contact Disney. 此脚本只是,谁都希望使用个人的阅读以外的任何其他联系 , 迪斯尼应该为您的阅读享受。
Scene 1: Hangings in Port Royal 场景1:挂饰皇家港口
[camera opens on a noose, East India Company flag, then shows people walking up to a row of gallows, seven at a time] [相机上打开绞索,东印度公司的标志,然后显示人们走在这样一个时刻到了绞刑架行,7]
Officer: In order to effect a timely halt to deteriorating conditions, and to ensure the common good, a state of emergency is declared for these territories, by decree of Lord Cutler Beckett, duly appointed representative of His Majesty the King.主任:为了及时生效停止恶化的情况,并确保共同利益,实行紧急状态是为这些地区的申报,由卡特勒贝克特勋爵的法令,正式任命为国王陛下的代表。 By decree, according to martial law, the following statutes are temporarily amended: right to assembly, suspended.根据法令,根据戒严法,下列法规暂时修正:集会的权利,暂停使用。 [shot of feet coming through gall
ows floor] Right to habeus corpus, suspended. [射击通过绞刑架地板未来英尺]人身保护权,暂停。 [shot of feet coming through gallows floor] Right to legal counsel, suspended. [射击通过绞刑架地板未来英尺]律师的权利,暂停。 [shot of feet coming through gallows floor] Right to verdict by a jury of peers, suspended. [射击通过绞刑架地板未来英尺]裁决权由同行评审,暂停。 [shot of feet coming through gallows floor] All persons convicted of piracy, or aiding a person convicted of piracy, or associating with a person convicted of piracy, shall be sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. [射击通过绞刑架地板未来英尺]盗版的罪名成立的人,或协助盗版定罪的人,或与盗版关联的人被定罪,应判处脖子挂起,直到死亡。
Child [singing]: The king and his men, stole the queen from her bed, and bound her in her bones.儿童[唱]:国王和他的部下,偷走了她的床上女王和约束她在她的骨头。 The seas be ours, and by the powers, where we will, we'll roam.海洋是属于我们的,和权力,在那里我们会,我们将漫游。
[executioner places child on top of barrel so he reaches the noose] [刽子手对儿童的地方桶上方,所以他到达绞索]
Man [singing]: Yo, ho, all hands, hoist the colors high.文[唱]:哟,镐,所有的手,高吊的颜。
All [singing]: Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die.全部[唱]:升沉浩,小偷和乞丐,我们决不会死。
Officer: Lord Beckett.主任:贝克特勋爵。 They've started to sing, sir.他们已经开始唱了,先生。
Beckett: Finally.贝克特:最后。
All [singing]: Yo ho, all together, hoist the colors high.全部[唱]:哟议员,一起,高吊的颜。 Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die.升沉浩,小偷和乞丐,我们决不会死。
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: At World's End.硬币滴...加勒比海盗:世界尽头。
Scene 2: Welcome to Singapore 场景二:欢迎来到新加坡
[camera opens on Elizabeth in a small boat paddling through the water below the walkways of Singapore] [相机打开一个小通过以下新加坡的走道上小船划水伊丽莎白]
Elizabeth [singing]: ...the bell has been raised from its watery grave; hear its sepulchral tone?伊丽莎白[唱]:...钟已从其溺死提高;听到它的坟墓音? A call to all, pay heed the squall, and turn your sails toward home!...对所有电话,听取了飑,把对家庭的帆!... yo ho, all together, hoist the colors high.溜溜浩一起,高吊的颜。 Yo ho, 哟浩,小偷....
Tai Huang: .....(thief) and beggar, never say we die.邰呼昂:.....(小偷)和乞丐,我们从来没有说死。 A dangerous song to be singing, for anyone ignorant of its meaning.有一种危险的歌曲被唱,任何人不知道它的意义。 Particularly a woman, particularly a woman alone.尤其是一个女人,尤其是女子。
Barbossa: What makes you think she's alone?巴博萨:是什么让你觉得她的一个人呢?
Tai Huang: You protect her?邰呼昂:你保护她?
Elizabeth [puts knife to Tai Huang's neck]: And what makes you think I need protecting?伊丽莎白[提出刀至大黄的脖子]:什么让你觉得我需要保护?
Barbossa: Your master's expectin' us.巴博萨:你的主人expectin'我们。 An unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meetin'.一个意外的死亡将会使人们对我们的meetin'轻微的阴影。
[Elizabeth releases Tai Huang from her grip. [伊丽莎白释放她的控制邰乎肮。 British soldiers pass by on the path above and the group exits into a passageway below]英国士兵通过上述路径和组进入一个退出通道下面]
[Cuts to what looks like turtles going through the water below the pathway somewhere else in the town. [割伤喜欢什么,通过以下途径在该镇别处去水龟外观。 Shells, now seen to be coconuts, lift out of water to reveal Pintel, Ragetti, Gibbs, Marty and Cotton underneath, breathing through bamboo straws]炮弹,现在已被视为椰子,摆脱了水透露潘泰尔,Ragetti,吉布斯,马蒂和棉花下,通过竹吸管呼吸]
[Cuts to shot of cart wheels on the pathway above] [削减拍摄的车轮就上述途径]
[Cuts back down to them approaching a sewer grating] [割伤回落到他们接近下水道光栅]
Cotton's parrot: Steady as she goes!棉花的鹦鹉:稳步向前!