Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?
1. ---What’s the best movie theater to go to ?可以去的最好的电影院是哪个?
--- Town Cinema.
(1) It has the biggest screens. 它有最大的屏幕。
(2) It has the most comfortable seats. 它有最舒适的座位。
= You can sit the most comfortably there.
(3) It has the best sound. 它有最好的音质。
(4) It has the newest movies.它有最新的电影。
=You can see the newest movies there.
(5) It has the cheapest tickets. 它有最便宜的票。
=You can buy tickets the most cheaply.
(6) It has the shortest waiting time. 它有最短的等待时间。
    = You can buy tickets the most quickly.你可以最快地买到票。
(7) It has the best service. 它有最好的服务。
(8) It is the closest to my home.它离我家是最近的。 be .....
(9) It is the most popular .它是最受欢迎的。   
2. --- Which is the worst clothes store in town? 镇上最差的服装店是哪家?
--- Dream Clothes.
It’s worse than Blue Moon. 它比蓝月亮更差。
It has the worst service and it’s also the most expensive. 它服务最差,衣服最贵。
3. What do you think of ....  = How do you like ...? 你认为.....怎么样?
  ---What do you think of the radio station?你认为这个广播电台怎么样?
---I think it is pretty bad. 我认为它相当差。
It has the worst music. 它有最差的音乐。
They play the most boring songs. 他们播放最无聊的歌曲。
The DJs don’t choose songs carefully. 电台DJ不认真选择歌曲。
4. pretty  (1) adv. 相当,十分,很 ( pretty + 形容词原形 )
= really / very / quite / so
          (2)adj. 漂亮的 = beautiful
5. reporter  n.记者    report  v.报道
Eg: The reporter is reporting the news. 这个记者正在报道新闻。
6. Why do you think so ? 你为什么这样认为?
7. Thanks for doing sth. 谢谢做了某事          eg: Thanks for telling me.
8. menu   n.菜单
Eg: The menu has only 10 dishes. 菜单上只有十道菜。
9. act   (1)n.表演=performer 
He is the most talented act I know.他是我知道的最有才华的表演者。
(2) v.表演  He acted the best in that movie.他在那个电影里演得最好。
10. meal  n.一餐饭
Eg: We often has three meals a day. 我们通常一天吃三顿饭。
11. talent show 才艺表演
Eg: Talent shows are getting more and more popular.才艺表演正变得越来越流行。
12. around the world= all over the world 世界各地
13. have .... in common 有相同的.....
Eg: All these shows have one thing in common.所有的秀都有一个共同点。
Eg: We have something in common. 我们有一些共同点。
Eg: They have many interests in common. 他们有许多共同的兴趣。
14. look for     and so on 等等(用于列举的末尾)
Eg: They try to look for the most exciting magicians , the funniest actors and so on.
15. all kinds of ..... 各种各样的.....
Eg: All kinds of people join these shows. 各种各样的人加入这些表演秀。
16. beautifully  adv. 美妙地,漂亮地 
Eg: My sister sings the most beautifully in my family. 在我家,我妹妹唱得最美妙。
Eg: You did it beautifully. 你干得漂亮。
17. be up to ... .....决定
Eg: That’s / It’s up to you to decide. 那由你来决定。 
18. play a role ( in... ) ....中扮演角; .....中发挥作用
Eg: People usually play an important role in deciding the winner.
19. win  v.赢得    winner  n.获胜者
Eg: The winner always gets the first prize in the competition.
20. make up .... 编造(故事等)    be made up ... ......被编造
Eg: The teacher asked us to make up a story. 老师让我们编造一个故事。
Eg: Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.
21. for example 例如    (用于举例进行说明,后跟句子)
  such as 例如 = like  (用于列举,后面跟 AB and C
Eg: Some think that the lives of the performers are made up. For example, some people say they are poor farmers , but in fact they are just actors.
Eg: I like all kinds of sports , such as playing basketball , running and so on.
22. take ... seriously 认真对待.......
Eg: If you don’t take these shows seriously, they are fun to watch.
Eg: We should take our grades seriously. 我们应该认真看待我们的成绩。
23. give  v. (过去式:gave
  give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物给某人
24. finish one’s breakfast 吃完某人的早餐
1. 原级  2. 比较级“更......  3. 最高级“最......
tall---taller---tallest          short---shorter---shortest
long---longer---longest        small---smaller---smallest
young---younger---youngest    quiet----quieter---quietest 
smart----smarter---smartest fast---faster---fastest    cheap---cheaper---cheapest      fresh---fresher---freshest
few---fewer---fewest            new---newer---newest
fine --- finer---finest            large---larger---largest    nice---nicer---nicest              cute---cuter---cutest
heavy---heavier---heaviest    funny---funnier---funniest
early---earlier---earliest        easy----easier---easiest
busy---busier---busiest      happy---happier---happiest
big---bigger—biggest        thin---thinner---thinnest
fat---fatter---fattest            hot---hotter---hottest
carefully---more carefully---most carefully
cheaply---more cheaply---most cheaply
comfortably---more comfortably---most comfortably
comfortable---more comfortable---most comfortable
popular---more popular---most popular
creative---more creative---most creative
talented---more talented---most talented