1. “There was an idea… to bring together a group of remarkable people, so when we needed them, they could fight the battles that we never could.”(有一个想法......聚集一杰出的人,当我们需要他们时,他们可以为我们打不止的战斗。)
2. “Sometimes the best we can do is start over.”(有时候,我们能做的最好的事就是重新开始。)
3. “Some people move on. But not us. Not us.”(有些人继续前进。但不是我们,不是我们。)
4. “Avengers, assemble!”(复仇者联盟,集合!)
5. “Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”(英雄是由他们选择的道路而不是赐予他们的力量而创造的。)
6. “If we can’t protect the world, you can be damn sure we’ll avenge it.”(如果我们不能保护这个世界,你可以确定地知道我们会为它报仇。)
7. “We have one advantage. Fury. He’s got red in his ledger and he doesn’t mind painting it redder.”(我们有一个优势。怒火。他的账簿上有红,他不介意把它涂得更加通红。)
8. “The measure of a hero is not how much they keep but how much they give.”(衡量一个英雄的标准不是他们保留多少,而是他们给予多少。)
9. “We’re not a team because we work together. We’re a team because we respect each other.”(我们不是因为一起工作才成为一个团队,我们之所以是一个团队,是因为我们彼此尊重。)
10. “The price of freedom is high, it always has been and it’s a price I’m willing to pay.”(自由的代价是高昂的,它一直如此,而且我愿意为此付出代价。)
11. “Sometimes the best we can do is start over.”(有时候,我们能做的最好的事就是重新开始。)
12. “This job, you try and save everyone you can. But when it comes time to sacrifice something precious, you do what has to be done.”(这份工作,你尽可能去拯救每一个人。
13. “We were a patchwork of individuals, sometimes afraid, sometimes brave, but all of us with something to give.”(我们是一不同的个体,有时害怕,有时勇敢,但我们都有自己可以给予的东西。)
14. “I know who I am. I'm not what happened to me, I'm what I choose to become.”(我知道我是谁。我不是发生在我身上的事情,我是我选择成为的人。)
1. “There was an idea… to bring together a group of remarkable people, so when we needed them, they could fight the battles that we never could.”(有一个想法......聚集一杰出的人,当我们需要他们时,他们可以为我们打不止的战斗。)这句台词提醒我们,只有团结一致,才能达到最高的效果,才能赢得最终的胜利
复仇者联盟结尾彩蛋2. “Sometimes the best we can do is start over.”(有时候,我们能做的最好的事就是重新开始。)有时,当前的不如意可能会让我们停滞不前,甚至使我们发挥失常,但绝对不能让挫折成为借口,只有重新开始,才能再次追寻胜利。
3.“Some people move on. But not us. Not us.”(有些人继续前进。但不是我们,不是我们。)这句台词提醒我们,坚持就是胜利,不管多么极端的环境,即使遭受了惨痛的打击,也一定要坚强的站起并挑起阻碍前行的大旗。
4. “Avengers, assemble!”(复仇者联盟,集合!)此句台词告诉我们,如果要实