1. My family is full of love and (温暖).
2. Do you think he is a (勤奋的)student ?
3. After class , we have many interesting(活动).
4. Mr. Smith has three (孩子).
5. I’ll get to the (飞机场)before 9:30.
6. All the family members come back home and (包饺子)together .
7. (事实上)it is not good for our health .
8. I want to (去游泳).Please go with me together.
9. (有时候)The computer’s down for ten minutes .
10. He is never afraid of (挑战) in life .
11. The song is popular with children here .
12. I often go to have classes of the Chinese language or go sithtseeing .
13. No matter what to do , just do it on time .
14. Keeping fit is very important for you .
15. Farmers are very happy with their good harvest in autumn.
16. It is clear that the trouble doesn’t come from the computer.
17. In September of 490 BC a fierce battle between them happened .
18. Spring festival is people’s favourite festival of a year in China and in
many Asian countries . .
19. At midnight we have some jiaozi . .
20. We should respect the old .
答案:. 1.warmth 2. hardworking 3. activities 4.children 5. airport 6. make dumplings 7.In fact 8. go swimming 9. Sometimes 10. challenges
11. 在…中很受欢迎/很流行12.去观光,旅游13.无论做什么
14.保持健康15.丰收/好收成16. 显然17. 九月
18. 亚洲的19. 半夜20. 老人
1. We should also be aware of our own actions.
2. People in large cities feel that the sky is no longer as blue as it used to be.
3. The oxygen is given off through their leaves.
4. He died in a traffic a years ago.
5. I(觉察,领悟了)what he meant.
6. The dinosaurs(灭绝)long ago.
7. The highway was(覆盖)with snow.
8. The request seems(不合理的).
9. The food was bad the bill was(超额的).
10. If he can keep away from smoking for a month or two, his health will-(改善).
11. Animals take in the oxygen from the air and breathe out a waste gas—carbon dioxide.
12. (据说)that he will not play in the ball game.
13. The question is(你能否按时来).
14. There are many things we can do to make our environment better.
15. Layers of air surround the earth, too, making up the earth’s atmosphere.
16. Lily is graduating from(职校)with a diploma in accounting.
17. He speaks French(另外)to English.
18. They are generous (尽管)they are poor.
19. The death rate is higher than that of traffic accident or AIDS.
20. She is surely concerned about job opportunities.
6)disappeared 7)covered 8)unreasonable 9) excessive 10) improve 11)废气12)It is said 13) If you will come on time 14) 使我们的坏境更好15) 组成16) vocational school 17) except 18) though 19) 死亡率20)工作机会
1. The shop assistant is very friendly to the (顾客).
2. We all should develop (健康的)eating habits .
3. You’d better (关掉)the lights and go to bed .
4. I guess I don’t have any (音乐的)talent .
5. She (给…穿衣服)her son and sent him to school .
6. Mary sits (紧挨着)Lily .
7. I have a lot of (有趣的)things to do on Sunday .
8. (秋天)is my favorite season .
9. The sales girls can recommend their products (用汉语).
10. (吸烟者)should give up smoking as soon as possible .
11. They enjoyed themselveson New year’s Eve .
12. She is one of millions of Children in the world living and dying with AIDS .
13. There is no doubt that he has made a lot of mistakes .
14. He has finished thirty percent of the work ..
15. His legs injured in the Second World War ..
16. My father greeted the hostess first then went in.
17. Y uan Longping is known as China’s ―father of hybrid rice ‖ . 18.Look! How humourous the man is .
19. Compared with this theory , that is better . .
20. The river is four times wider than that one. .
答案:1.customers 2. healthy 3.turn off 4. musical 5.dressed
6. next to
9.in Chinese 10. Smoking
11. 玩得高兴,过得愉快12. 数百万的13. 毫无疑问
14. 百分之三十15. 第二次世界大战16.女主人
17.杂交水稻之父18. 幽默的1 9.与…相比较20. 倍数
1.——Do you think our basketballers played very well yesterday?
A. They were not nervous at all
B. They were still young
C. They played naturally
D. They couldn’t have done better
2. It is no usea lot without doing anything.
A. to talk
B. saying
C. telling
D. speaking
3.is our duty to help poorpeople.
4.It is two years he joined the army
5.Generally speaking,according to the directions, the drug has no side effects.