Module 3 Unit1 Today is Halloween
情景分析: Today is Halloween 是新标准<英语> 第九册第三模快的内容, 课文里的情境是三个孩子过万圣节的一些小故事.课本把西方节日万圣节的介绍放到了几个孩子的对话中。跨文化教育是外语教育的本质之一。我们的英语教学要帮助学生养成合理开放的跨文化意识。而本课的重点就是让学生了解万圣节。本节课的能力目标重在培养学生的英语阅读能力,让学生分层次,分梯度地进行阅读理解,逐步感知课文内容。根据我们的学生特点,在进行整个教学设计地时候我始终根据兴趣第一的原则。兴趣是最好的老师,是最基础的学习动力和源泉。因而在课堂上我利用了一些生动活泼的多媒体及节日相关的面具、衣服创设一些游戏活动, 和孩子们力所能及的, 感兴趣的任务,让他们在情境中感受语言, 让他们在快乐中内化语法知识。
Theme: Today is Halloween.
Function: Describing festivals
Language: Present simple tense
Teaching aims:
1. Learn to describe the English festivals—Halloween.
2. Grasp the words and phrases and words: night, why, scare, festival.
3. Learn to do some reading comprehension.
Key and difficult points:
What do children do on Halloween?
Teaching aids: computer, masks, pictures, VCD, tape recorder
Teaching steps: 教学过程
1. Greetings
Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you again!
活动设想: 不能忽视问好这一环节,教师真诚的微笑,热情的话语,能够鼓励孩子更大胆的开口说英语。
2. Lead in
Do you like to see a flash? Now let’s see an interesting flash.
[播放flash“trick or treat”(不请吃就捣乱)]
    师:这是什么节日?(万圣节!)那么你们想不想知道西方国家的孩子们是怎么过万圣节的吗?Let’s have a look. [播放VCD]
3. Presentation
(1) Listen and watch the video then say true or false: 媒体运用
  a. Tomorrow is Halloween.                  (T  F)
  b. It’s really fun.                      (T  F)
  c. Children wear beautiful clothes.        (T  F)
  d. They go to people’s houses.            (T  F)
  e. They can eat sweets.                    (T  F)
(2) Listen to tape for the second time and answer the following questions:
a. What day is it today?
b. What’s Halloween?
c. What clothes do the children wear on Halloween?
d. Where do they go?
e. What do the children do?
f. What do people give to children?
活动设想:在初步感受课文内容的基础上再进一步精读课文,回答wh 问题。体现阅读任务的梯度。
(3) Write on Bb, and then learn to say
  It’s an autumn festival.
  It’s really fun.
  They go to people’s houses.
  They wear scary clothes.
  Then the people give them some sweets.
(4) Listen to tape for the third time and try to listen and repeat.
活动分析: 有了前面三个阶段的准备,这个环节让学生跟课件模仿应该是没有问题的。磁带里面几个富有童趣的whoop!是孩子们很感兴趣的地方,可以鼓励他们多跟读。
4. Consolidation
(1)Do Exercise 1(课件运用)
Look and choose:
At Halloween:
Halloween is an  autumn/spring festival.
Children wear scary cloths /clothes.
Look at the hats/heads and the masks.
They go to people’s horses /houses.
The people give them sweets/fruits.
(2)Do Exercise 2(课件运用)
1. It’s an autumn festival. It’s              fun.
real    B. really    C. rea
2. Today          Halloween. 
be    B. is    C. are
3. The child          a white T-shirt.
wears  B. wear  C. put on
4. They go to          house.
A. people    B. peoples  C. people’s
5. Task-fulfilling:
  Look at the pictures. What festivals are these? Can you describe them?
活动分析: 在理解课文的基础上描述其他的节日。训练口语能力, 拓展文化知识。
6. Task
Imagine today is Halloween, let’s go out and play “Treat or trick”.
活动分析: 最后一个环节是任务的完成。我们年级的孩子喜欢表演,擅长表演。而英语对话表演也是语言运用的一种重要手段。我们模拟一个万圣节的场景,让孩子生动地感受这种节日文化,快乐地运用语言。
7. Homework. Talk about Halloween with your family.
8. Writing on Bb.      Module 3  Today is Halloween.
                      It’s an autumn festival.
                      It’s really fun.
              They go to people’s houses.
                      They wear scary clothes.