Name         Class     
总分120分    时间120分钟
1、单项选择 25分
(  )1. I buy a pair of shoes _______ 服装店名that shop _______ a good price.
  A. in; in    B. from; at    C. for; at    D. from; in
(  )2. —Thank you for your help.
  A. That’s right    B. You’re right    C. You’re welcome    D. Don’t thank me
(  )3. My shoes _______ nice. I like them.
  A. am    B. is    C. look    D. looks
(  )4. —_______ are these bananas?
A. How much    B. How long    C. How heavy    D. How big
(  )5. —Do you have _______ students?
  —Yes, we do.
  A. fifty five    B. fivety-five    C. fifty-five    D. fifty fifty
(  )6.—Can I have ______ at your green schoolbag?
A.a look            B.see              C.look  D.watch
(  )7.I want ______ two rulers.
A.buy                              B.to buy
C.buys                              D.buying
(  )8.How much ______ do you want?   
A.tomatoes                          B.bananas
C.hamburgers                          D.chicken
(  )9.—Are these your shoes?
A.they is                              B.they are
C.they're                              D.these are
(  )10.I like sports.My friend Alan ______ likes sports.
A.too                              B.but
C.and                                D.also
(  )11.The clothes look nice in that store.Let's ________ some.
A.go and buy  B.to go and to buy
C.goes and buys  D.going and buying
(  )12.—Can I help you?
      —Yes,please.I need ________ sports socks.
  A.two pair of      B.two pairs
  C.two pairs of      D.two pair
(  )13.—________ they need jackets?
—No,they ________.
A.Are;don't  B.Are;aren't
C.Do;don't  D.Do;aren't
(  )14.—Sam,give me the cup,please!
  A.Thank you          B.Here you are
  C.I'll take it          D.You're welcome
(  )15.—________?
—It's 120 yuan.
A.Where is the sweater  B.What color is the sweater
C.How is the sweater  D.What's the price of the sweater
(  )16.—I want that bag.
A.You are here  B.Give you    C.Here you are    D.Here are you
(  )17.This pair of pants    very good.I like    
A.is;them    B.are;it    C.are;them    D.is;it
(  )18.The store    school things    students. 
A.sell;to    B.buy;from    C.sells;to    D.buys;from
(  )19.We have bags    white,black and red    only ¥5. 
A.at;for    B.in;for    C.for;in    D.in;on
(  )20.He is a collector.He has    basketballs. 
A.twenty three    B.twenty-three
C.two ten three    D.three-twenty
(  )21.Mary    a bag    school. 
A.need;to    B.need;for    C.needs;to    D.needs;for
(  )22.—    are the sports socks? 
—6 dollars a pair.
A.What color    B.How much    C.How    D.How many
(  )23.This hat is too big.I want a    one. 
A.long    B.short    C.small    D.nice
(  )24.The skirts are    sale.You can buy them    a very good price. 
A.for;at    B.at;on    C.on;at    D.at;at
(  )25.—   
—Yes, please.I want a red T-shirt.
A.How are you?    B.Excuse me.
C.Can I help you?    D.What’s your name?
二完形填空 10分
Hi,boys and girls!Do you need good  26 ?Welcome to our store!Our store is very  27 .We have lots of clothes in it and many of them are  28 .Every day  29  people come and buy clothes in our store.We have  30 clerks:five boys and five girls.The 31  in our store are cheap. 
Do you  32 schoolbags?We have many cheap schoolbags.We 33  them for only 8 dollars.We also have pants,shoes,sweaters,shirts and shorts.They are in many  34 ,like blue,green,black,yellow and white.Do you  35  these things?Come to our store,please. 
(  )26.A.books    B.vegetables    C.clothes    D.hamburgers
(  )27.A.big      B.red    C.small    D.short
(  )28.A.in need    B.at school    C.on sale    D.on TV
(  )29.A.no    B.only    C.many    D.much
(  )30.A.five    B.eight    C.nine    D.ten
(  )31.A.clerks    B.books    C.things    D.price