Design and Implementation of WiFi-Direct File Transfer System on Android Platform
Abstract:With the popularity of smart phones, more and more people will use mobile phon
es to share files, although there are a lot of documents on the market share of the software,but the way they are transferred to determine the existence of a certain. This system is designed to the advantages and disadvantages of the Android Market on a variety of file transfer software, using WiFi-Direct connection and socket communication to achieve the file transmission to solve the Bluetooth transmission speed is slow, small NFC data transmission, the transmission network to network traffic or connection, WiFi hotspots transmission cannot use WiFi Internet access and other issues. This application contains the file search, management, delete, file / message transfer and other functions. Supports up to 9 files at the same time, in connection with the device, you can browse the file directory of the other equipment.
This paper firstly introduces the background and current situation of the selected topic, and then describes the development of key technologies and related knowledge in detail. Through the operation test of the system obtained can be found: the operation of the system is very stable smooth, multi document transmission is relatively stable, transmission speed is faster, basically meet the needs of users, has a commercial value and good popul
arization and use value.
KeyWords: Wifi-Directwifi分享, socket communication, high-speed transmission