班级                姓名                  得分           
1. p    da                      2.   a   ad             
3. f  f   een                  4.   o  derf  l             
5. t  g   r                        6.     re             
7. th       ty                   8. f  i   ge             
9. g    p                      10. k     chen             
1. 这些玩具熊猫__________________    2. a glass of juice_________________
3. 多少钱_______      __  _____      4. eat some cakes_______________
5. 她的小鼻子 _________________      6. love to skate___________________
7、喜欢大象________________        8.anything else ___________________
9、一杯茶                           10.Dont be sad.                  
(    )1.Can you       nice是什么中文意思?
A. swimming        B. swim              C. swims
(    )2.---What       you like ?
      ---_____like a sandwich.
A. do ,I          B.  would, Id          C. would , I
(    )3. Do you like ________?
        No, I don’t.
A. cat                    B. monkey                C. it
(    )4. —Look at our fruit salad.
        A. Yes, I do.                B. How nice!            C. Thank you.
(    )5. Can you play table tennis?
        No, I ________.
        A. am not                B. do not                C. can’t
(    )6. —How many ________ do you have?
        A. mango; Two              B. mangoes; Two            C. mangoes; Too
(    )7. Where ________ my shoes?
        They’re in the ________, under the bed.
A. are; bedroom              B. is; bedroom        C. are; living room
(    )8.---Can you see the boy      the tree?
        ----Yes ,I can.
A. with            B.in                  C.on
(      )9.I dont have a doll,        .
A.too            B.either              C.then
(      )10.He can jump         .
A.well            B.good              C.nice
(    )11.Do you like_____?
      --- Yes ,I  
      A. apples, do.        B. apples,like    C. an apple ,do
(    )12.----Can you play _______?  ----Yes,I can.
    A.basketball      B.a football      C.the basketball
(    )13.---        you like some grapes?  ------No ,thank you .
A. Do              B. Would              C. Are
(    )14.--        toy cars do you have?  ---Ten.
A. What about      B. How many          C. How much
(    )15.I have some pens.         in the pencil box.
A. Its              B. Theyre            C. Im
1. you ,like , What, would(?)
2. at ,cakes ,those, look.(.)
3. jump, you, can(?)
4. you, any, Do, have, pies(?)
5. footballs, how ,have ,many ,do you.(?)
(    )1. Look at this elephant. I like elephants          A. Yes, I can.
(    )2. Would you like some fruit salad?                  B. It’s cute.
(    )3. Do you like grapes?                        C. Yes, Id like these apples.
(    )4. Dad, where’s my cap?                        D. No, I don’t.
(    )5. Can you see the box?                        E. It’s in your bedroom.
1. Thanks, Dad. Now, Im hungry. 
2. No, they arent.
3.OK,its in the fridge.
4.What about an egg?
5. Are they on the sofa? 
6. No, Id like a cake..
7.Dad,where are my socks?
8. Look ,they are in the box.
This is Mary’s room. It’s big and nice. We can see some kites on the front wall (前墙). On the back wall(后墙), there’s a clock. Look, it is four fifty now!
We can see a desk and bed in her room. The desk is near the window. Where are her bag and pencil-box? They’re on the desk. What’s on the bed? We can see a pair of socks. Mary likes them, but they’re too short.
Mary and her friend Kate like this room very much! They like to play here!
(一).判断对错,正确的用“T 表示,不正确的用“F”表示.
1. (  ) We can see a clock on the back wall.
2. (  ) Its five forty now.
3. (  ) We can see a desk and bed in her room.
4. (  ) The jeans are too short.
(二). 根据短文内容填空。
1. Marys room is _________ and ____________.
2. We can see some ____________ on the front wall.
3. Marys pencil-box is __________ the ____________.
4. We can see a ________ of socks on the bed.
5. Mary and Kate _______ this room very much.
Hello, everyone! I’m a little rabbit. My name is Hanhan.