This is Berk,  这里是博克岛
the best kept secret this side of,   这里的神秘感可谓是
Anywhere.  举世无双
Granted, it may not look like much,  当然  可能看起来并不起眼
but this wet heap of rock  但这潮湿的岩石中
packs more than a few surprises.  却藏着不少惊喜
Life here is amazing,  这里的生活精彩绝伦
just not for the faint of heart.  只是不适合胆小鬼们
You see, where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling  要知道  其他地方的人都喜欢削削木头
or needlepoint, we   或者绣绣花什么的  而我们博克岛人则喜欢
a little something we like   一种小小的娱乐活动  名为
dragon racing!  赛龙
I'm sorry, Fishlegs, did you want that?  抱歉啦  小鱼脚  你是想要这个吗
Oh, Snotlout, that was mine!  鼻涕唠  那是我的
Here you go, babe.  宝贝  给你
Did I tell you that you look amazing today?  我有说过你今天看上去很美吗
Cause you do.  因为你真的很美
Come on, Barf.  走吧  喷喷
It's starting to stink around here.  臭味都传到我这儿来了
Nope, still hates you.  放弃吧  她还是讨厌你
Let's blow this place, Belch!  让这里燃起来吧  吐吐
All right!  走着
Come on!  加油
Oh, yeah!  好样的
That's nine for the twins!  双胞胎得九分
Astrid lags with three!  艾丝翠得三分紧随其后
Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with none!  小鱼脚和鼻涕唠各得零分垫底
And   然后小嗝嗝
nowhere to be found.  还是不见踪影
Scared him off with the big talk, didn't you, Stoick?  你的促膝谈心是不是吓到他了  史推克
What are you doing, Snotlout?  你在干什么  鼻涕唠
They're gonna win now.  他们要赢了
She's whatever she wants, she gets.  她是我的女神  她有求  我必应
Ruffnut? Didn't she try to bury you alive?  暴芙奈  她不是想把你活埋来着吗
Only for a few hours.  也就埋了几个小时
Look at 'em, go!  快看他们  冲啊
Now, dragons used to be  龙曾是这里的
a bit of a problem here,  头号公敌
but that was five years ago.  但那都是五年前的事了
Now they've all moved in.  现在他们都在岛上定居了
And, really, why wouldn't they?  说真的  他们有什么理由不搬来这呢
We have custom stables,  我们有定制的龙舍
all-you-can-eat feeding stations,  全天供应的自助餐
a full-service   全方位的龙浴服务
Even top-of-the-line fire prevention,  甚至还有最先进的火灾应对措施
if I do say so myself.  我这么自夸请别见怪
Ah, it's time, Gobber.  是时候了  戈伯
Righty-ho. Last lap!  好的  最后一轮
The black sheep! Come on, Stormfly!  是黑羊  上吧  风中飞
We can still win this thing!  我们还有机会赢得比赛
- Come on, Barf! -Let's go!  -来吧  喷喷  -我们走
Go, Meatlug!  上啊  肉球
Let's go, let's go!  快飞  快飞
This is your big moment.  该你上场了
Have a nice flight.  祝你旅途愉快
Up! Up, up, up, up, up!  往上  往上  往上
Good job, Meatlug!  干得好  肉球
Here you go, darling. Mine's worth ten.  给你  亲爱的  我的这个值十分
Yeah! The black sheep!  太好了  黑羊
You guys are fighting for Ruffnut?  你们两个在争暴芙奈吗
- I'm totally winning! - We're winning together.  -我赢定了  -是我们俩一起赢
Oh, no!  不
- Whoo! No one can stop me now! - Except for me.  -我现在无人可挡了  -除了我
We're attached, genius.  我们是连在一起的  蠢材
Quit trying to steal all my glory!  别想把我的荣耀偷走
- Get them, Astrid! - It's my glory!  -搞定他们  艾丝翠  -是我的荣耀
- Always ruining everything! - No sheep, no glory!  -成事不足败事有余  -没羊就没荣耀
Gotcha! Ha-ha!  抓到了
Whoa! Astrid!  艾丝翠
Well played!  干得漂亮
That's my future daughter-in-law!  那是我未来的儿媳妇
Uh, excuse me.  抱歉了
Stormfly!  风中飞
That's 13!  一共十三分
Astrid takes the game!  艾丝翠赢得了比赛
Yep, Berk is pretty much perfect.  没错  博克岛堪称完美
All of my hard work has paid off.  我最终得偿所愿
And it's a good thing, too,  而且这也是件好事
because with Vikings on the backs   维京人能驭龙翱翔之后
...the world just got a whole lot bigger.  世界也变得辽阔了许多
Yeah!  好赞
So, what do you think, bud?  怎么样  伙计
You want to give this another shot?  想再试一次吗
Toothless! It'll be fine.  没牙仔  不会有事的
Ready?  准备好了吗
Yeah!  好耶
Yeah!  棒
This is amazing!  这感觉太棒了
No longer amazing.  现在不棒了
Toothless!  没牙仔
Oh, no!  不好
That really came out of nowhere.  刚刚真是始料未及
We-we got to work on your solo gliding there, bud.  我们得再训练下你的单独滑行  伙计
That, uh, locked-up tail  那个固定尾翼
makes for some pretty sloppy rescue maneuvers, hey?  真不方便进行救援行动  是吧
Looks like we found another one, bud.  看来我们又到一处  伙计
Oh, what, do you want an apology?  怎么  你想要我道歉吗
Is that why you're pouting,  就因为这个在生闷气吗
big baby boo?  小傻瓜
Well, try this on!  试试这个
Oh, you feeling it yet? Huh?  感受到了吗
Picking up on all my heartfelt remorse?  感受到我真诚的歉意了吗
Ah. Yeah. Oh, come on, come on,  好了  得了  别这样
you-you wouldn't hurt   你不会想残害一个独腿的...
Y-you're right, you're right.  你是对的  你是对的
You win. You win.  你赢了  你赢了
He's down!  他倒下了
And it's ugly!  一场恶斗
Dragons   龙和维京人
Locked in combat to   战况愈演愈烈