网购的缺点英语作文 篇1
Nowadays, as the development of high technology, people like to use computer, they use computer to read the news, to play the game and so on. Now more and more computer functions have been developed, people like to do business on the computer, it saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient. Shopping online is most people’s choice today, but it has disadvantages. First, the products will be not in good quality, people can’t touch the products, they only can see the pictures, so they can’t figure out the real products’ quality. Second, when people pay the money online, they will have the chance to leak out their message, their online account will be attacked by the hackers and thus to lose the money. Of course, shopping online is more and more popular, we must take care of personal message when shopping online.
网购的缺点英语作文 篇2
Now,online shopping have become a fashion.To this online shopping,it has many advantages.but it also has many disadvantages.
Many advantages: online shopping is very convenient to everyone.people can save a lot of time to do other thing and not necessary to waste a lot of time to go shopping at market.
Many disadvantages: we buy some things at online, but we buy things have many quality very bad and have many things is useless. so online shopping is vety not good.
To this online shopping question. I also have many suggests. I think we should cautious to buy a lot of things. To we buy some things and we should watch some estimates if have mang good estimates and less bad estimates. we can buy this thing. Only in this way, we can buy many useful things.
网购的缺点英语作文 篇3
Today, online shopping has become one of the most popular way of shopping, shopping has become a leisure walk.
There are many advantages of online shopping. It can "shop" at home, and orders are not limited by time and place. It has a large amount of commodity information, can buy local goods. It from the order, to buy goods to the door without going to the scene, both time-saving and labor-saving. As can be seen, the online shopping break through the barriers of traditional business, both for consumers, enterprises still have significant market appeal and influence in the new economic era is undoubtedly the ideal model to achieve "win-win" effect.
However, there are many disadvantages of online shopping. Online shopping is only to see photos, to the goods really arrive in the hands, will feel and kind is not the same, it is better to buy at the mall at ease. Network payment is not safe, may be peeping, passwords stolen. And receiving too slow, although the speed of EMS has been faster than the previous mail do not know how many times, after all, buyers still have to wait a few days. Online shopping can not be together with relatives and friends to experience the leisurely chat shopping.
I think online shopping is not better than shopping, should reduce the security of online shopping or online shopping.
网购的缺点英语作文 篇4
With the development of e-merce, shopping online bees a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular. Many citizens are likely to shop through internet nowadays.
Generally speaking, shopping online offers lots of advantages with its convenience the most prominent. There are many modities on the internet where you can search whatever you want. Besides, you just click the mouse can you get all information you want, so that you don’t have to go to the shop personally. In addtition, the modities on the Internet is usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money.
However, everything has two sides. You can not see the products or check their qualities and some of the sellers on the Internet is not so honest. And, for those who enjoys shopping around different stores, shopping online perhaps will make them booring.
In my opinion, shopping online has more advantages than disadvantages, and with the improvement of e-merce, there will be more people to shop on the Internet.
网购的缺点英语作文 篇5
The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in thesociety. As a college student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more thanthe way it harms me. There are many advantages for using Internet.
First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of goingto different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago.It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical proof.In the library, it is hard to find so much "old" information. Another advantageto use Internet is that I can stay home and have a lecture online. It is muchmore convenience to me because I can stay warm to have class in the winter timeinstead of spending two hours on the bus and physically attend class. Inaddition, Internet provides me a better way to communicate with my friends andprofessors. I can get response from my professor in a few minutes instead ofwaiting out
side of his door for hours. Some of my friends are living in aforeign countries, I can simply just drop him an email whenever I can and get amessage from him very quick. It is much better than waiting for letters. Also,the email will not lose while the letter might be losing in the process ofdelivery.