江竹筠,中国共产党地下时期重庆地区组织的重要人物,为中国共产党追认的女烈士。下面是 为你整理的江英语简介,希望对你有用!
江竹筠简介Jiang Zhijun (August 20, 1920 - November 14, 1949), Zigong Town, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, Zhenjiang Bay, the Communist Party of China underground area of Chongqing, an important figure for the Chinese Communist Party to ratify the female martyrs.
予柔是谁In 1939 joined the Communist Party of China. 1945 and Peng Yongwu marriage, marriage is responsible for the Communist Party of China Chongqing Municipal Committee of the underground publication "advance into" the organization of the work. In 1948, Peng Yongwu in the CPC Sichuan East Provisional Committee members and deputy secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee to death, Jiang Zhuyun took over his work.
June 14, 1948, Jiang Zhujun was arrested in Wanxian County, was held in Chongqing, the
National Government Junji Zhazi concentration camp, was tortured still refused to refuse to surrender the military to the Communist Party of the underground information; November 14, 1949 Day, Chongqing was surrounded by the Chinese People's Liberation Army on the occasion, by the National Government military system in the Zhazi Dong prison killed and destroyed.
September 2009 Jiang Zhujun selected 100 for the new China to make outstanding contributions to the hero model list.
arp攻击器江竹筠人物生平August 20, 1920 was born in Zigong City, Sichuan Province, Dashan Town, a farmer family.
8 years old, strong character of the mother and the idle father can not get along, then with Jiang Zhu Yun sister to Chongqing to go to the brothers. 10 years old to Chongqing socks factory when the child workers, because people have not high machine, the boss for her special a high stool.
In 1939 admitted to Chongqing's Chinese public school, secretly joined the Communist Party. After joining the party, Comrade Jiang Zhijun loves Marxism-Leninism theory, longing for the revolutionary sanctuary Yan'an. But then the party asked her to stay in Chongqing for communication liaison work. This requires an unobtrusive job to cover, so the party organization instructs her to learn accounting, learn to calculate the abacus, she does not hesitate to listen to the organization.
In the autumn of 1940 admitted to the Chinese vocational school accounting training classes. After hard work, master the accounting profession.电视剧 推荐
In 1941, Jiang Zhu medicine was again admitted to the Chinese vocational school founded by Huang Yanpei. As a young communist, she conceals herself from work in school.
The late summer of 1941, Chongqing. Twenty-one-year-old Jiang Zhunjun from the Chinese public school affiliated high school and the Chinese vocational school accounting training graduation, was transferred to the special committee of Chongqing N宋仲基疑恋林心如
ew District District Committee, responsible for organizing student movement, the development of new party members, Advanced newspaper "issue work.
At the end of 1943, Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Secretary Wang Pu for security reasons, that Peng Yongwu need a good environment to protect him in Chongqing, a home. However, he can not and Yunyang's wife Tan Zhenglun contact, but this involves work, and can not be long towed. As a result, the municipal party committee in Chongqing, the middle of the female comrades repeatedly selected, selected, and finally decided to assign Jiang Zhuyun to accept her so surprised and shy task --- to Pangyong Wu "wife" and assistant. They began to meet, work together, turned out to be married together, day and night, live together. And he and his wife, composed of a family. Their family is the secret body of the Chongqing municipal Party committee and the underground party organization rectification study center. Her main task is to do for Peng Yongwu communication liaison work.
In the summer of 1944, Jiang Zhuyun was organized into the Sichuan University College
of Agriculture to study and engage in the secret work of the party. After joining the party, according to the requirements of the party organization, with the Communist Party members Peng Yongwu as husband and wife, to form a "family", as the Chongqing Municipal Committee of the secret organs and underground party members to learn the counseling center.
关于教师节的诗句In 1945, she married Peng Yongwu, after staying in Chongqing to help Peng Yongwu work, responsible for handling party affairs and internal and external contact work, since then, comrades are affectionately called her sister.
After graduating in 1946, she returned to Chongqing to attend and lead the student movement. In April, Jiang Zhuyun dystocia, was classmate students sent to the hospital, this time Peng Yongwu not her side, she made a proposal to make cesarean section and sterilization at the same time the two decisions. Peng Yongwu rushed to Chengdu after the visit to her and the newly born son of small Peng Yun, for her brave, decisive and sacrificing spirit moved.
The spring of 1947, the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee founded the "advance reported", Jiang Zhujun specifically responsible for proofreading, collating, sending telegrams and distribution work. "Advice reported" in a few months time, to carry more than 1600 copies, causing the enemy's great panic. Xia, Peng Yongwu Ren Communist Party members of the Communist Party of China and vice chairman of the Sichuan Provincial Committee. Jiang Jie to the Eastern Conference Committee and the Sichuan Provincial Committee of the identity of the contact with her husband went to the front line of armed struggle. Students who are responsible for organizing large and medium schools struggle with the Kuomintang reactionaries.
On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1948, Peng Yongwu died in the organization of the armed uprising, the head was cut off by the enemy hanging on the gates of the public. Jiang sister to endure grief, decided to take over her husband's work. She said to the party organization: "The relationship between this line is only I am familiar with, others replace the difficulties, I should fall in the old Peng continued to fight.