“Principles of Economics” Course Outline
总 学 时:48 讲课学时:48 实验(上机)学时:0
学 分:3
Course Code: 151103A
Course Type: Compulsory Course
Total Hours: 48 Lecture Hours: 48 Lab Hours: 0
Credits: 3
Applicable Majors: Economics, Finance, Management, etc.
Prerequisites: University English
一、课程的教学目标 (Course Objectives)
Principles of Economics is a compulsory course for undergraduate students majoring in Economics, Finance etc. This course is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the principles of economics and the way how an economist thinks. Upon successful completion, students will be able to use the concepts and tools discussed throughout the course to better perceive and analyze issues that confront us in the real wor
ld. At the end of the term, students will be familiar with the terminologies and basic concepts in economics in preparing for the higher level economics courses.
二、教学基本要求 (Course Requirements)
出勤及作业: 10%
随堂考试: 20%
期中闭卷考试: 30%
期末闭卷考试: 40%
Economics is the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services - the economy. Economics is conventionally divided into two parts: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics study how consumers and producers interact in different market structures and how this interaction leads to the allocation of resources and wealth. Macroeconomists, on the other hand, study how a country’s economy works and try to determine the best choices to improve the overall wellbeing of a nation. This course will inspire students with the basic theory of economics and economic thinking. Students are encouraged to apply the concepts learnt from the class to the real issues and engage in class discussions. In order to do well in this course, students are required to come and participate in class, do homework, take in class quizzes and exams.
The evaluation of this course is as follows:
Attendance and assignments: 10%
In Class Quizzes: 20%
Midterm Exam: 30%
Final Exam: 40%
序号 Number | 章节内容 Content | 讲课 Lecture | 实验 Lab | 其他 Others | 合计 Total |
1 | 经济学十大原理 Ten Principles of Economics | 3 | 3 | ||
2 | 像经济学家一样思考 Think Like an Economist | 2 | 2 | ||
3 | 相互依存性与贸易的好处 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade | 2 | 2 | ||
4 | 供给与需求的市场力量 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand | 4 | 4 | ||
5 | 弹性及其应用 Elasticity and Its Application | 4 | 4 | ||
6 | 供给、需求与政府政策 Supply, Demand, and Government Policies | 4 | 4 | ||
7 | 消费者、生产者与市场效率 Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency | 4 | 4 | ||
8 | 应用:赋税的代价 Application: The Cost of Taxation | 2 | 2 | ||
9 | 一国收入的衡量 Measuring a Nation’s Income | 3 | 3 | ||
10 | 生活费用的衡量 Measuring the Cost of Living | 2 | 2 | ||
11 | 生产与增长 Production and Growth | 2 | 2 | ||
12 | 储蓄、投资和金融体系 Saving, Investment, and the Financial System | 4 | 4 | ||
13 | 失业与自然失业率 Unemployment | 4 | 4 | ||
14 | 货币制度 The Monetary System | 4 | 4 | ||
15 | 货币增长与通货膨胀 Money Growth and Inflation | 4 | 4 | ||
合计 Total | 48 | 48 | |||
第一章 经济学十大原理
Chapter 1: Ten Principles of Economics
第一节 人们怎样做决定
Section 1: How People Make Decisions
第二节 人们怎样互动
Section 2: How People Interact
第三节 经济是怎样运作的
Section3: How the Economy as a Whole Works
Key and Difficult Points: The understanding of key concepts of ten principles of Economics and its application.
Evaluation Requirements: Understanding the basic concept of economics and its ten principles.
1.What is opportunity cost?
2.What does the “invisible hand” of the market place do?
第二章 像经济学家一样思考
Chapter 2: Think Like an Economist
第一节 经济学家如同科学家
Section 1: The Economist as Scientist
第二节 经济学家如同政策顾问
Section 2: The Economist as Policy Adviser
第三节 为什么经济学家意见不一
Section3: Why Economists Disagree
Key and Difficult Points: Understand economics is a science although experiments in Economics are usually hard to conduct comparing to other sciences such as physics and economists often disagree with each other.
Evaluation Requirements: Understanding the Circular-Flow Diagram and the Production Possibilities Frontier.
1. Why do economists make assumptions?
2. Use a production possibilities frontier to describe the idea of “efficiency”?
第三章 相互依存性与贸易的好处
Chapter 3: Interdependence and the Gains from Trade
第一节 现代经济的一个寓言
Section 1: A Parable for the Modern Economy
第二节 相对优势:专业化的动力
Section 2: Comparative Advantage: The Driving Force of Specialization
第三节 相对优势的运用
Section3: Applications of Comparative Advantage