1.Black 1)black coffee(未加奶的咖啡)
Which one do you like, black coffee or white coffee? 2)black tea(红茶)
Black tea is my favorite.3)black screen(暗滤光镜)
In that case, you can use black screen.4)a black letter day(倒霉的日子)
Everybody may have a black letter day, I think.5)black mark(污点)
His lie might have left a black mark on his character.6)black box(黑匣子)
They failed to find the black box after the air-crash.7)black list(黑名单)
These two thieves are on the black list of the police.8)black market(黑市)
We seldom by goods on black market.9)black sheep(败家子,害之马)
Nobody wants the fame of being a black sheep of his family.10)black ingratitude(忘恩负义)
His response showed no black ingratitude.11)blacksmith(铁匠)
Mary’s father is a blacksmith.12)blackout(突然停电)
The storm caused a sudden blackout and brought down telephone lines.13)black oil(润滑重油)
The price of black oil decreased by 30%.14)black bolt(粗制螺栓)
Black bolts are not suitable here.15)black money(黑钱,指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)Black money are stashed in foreign banks.16)black figure / in the black(盈利,顺差)
This company is well in the black.black figure nation(国际收支顺差国)
interest in the black(应收利息)2.Red 1)in the red(负债);out of the red(不亏空)
A careless boss may run his business in the red, whereas a responsible person can keep it out of d figure / red ink(赤字,亏损)2)red-cap(服务搬运工)
A red-cap will help you with your luggage in a hotel.3)red meat(牛羊肉等红肉类)
Many of us prefer red meat to white meat.4)red-handed(当场)
The murderer was caught red-handed.5)a red letter day(喜庆节日)
Children like to go outing on a red letter day.6)red light district()
Mr.Huang was accused of his conduct in the red light district.7)red-pencil(修改)
The procurator red-penciled the law suit.8)red ball(快运车)
There will be red balls between Shanghai and Guangzhou.9)red cent(一分钱)
I won’t give a red cent for that car.10)red gold(红金,玫瑰金)
The necklace is made from 18K red gold.补充:pure / solid gold(纯金,足金,赤金)
goldsmith(金匠,金器珠宝商)11)red tip on stock market(股票市场的最新情报)
12)red sky(晚霞,彩霞)A red sky at night is indication of fine weather of the following day.A red sky in the morning is the shepherd’s warning.清早天发红,无雨也有风。13)red battle(血战)
A red battle happened in this village.14)red envelope(红包)We can’t go to the banquet without a red envelope.15)red wine(红葡萄酒)
注意:红糖(brown sugar)
红豆(love pea)
1)white lie(善意的谎言)
Some women are good at telling white lies.2)white-collar(白领的)
Not all the white-collar workers have blue blood.3)white elephant(累赘的人或物)
They are white elephants in our institute.4)white day(吉日)
He chose a white day to celebrate the wedding.5)white meat(鸡鱼肉等白肉类)
White meat is quite cheap in that city.6)white coffee(加奶的咖啡)
I prefer white coffee to black coffee.7)whitesmith(锡匠)
Jack used to be a whitesmith.8)whitewash(粉刷)
This wall has just been whitewashed.9)white room(绝尘室)
There is no white room in the mill.10)white war(经济战争)
Japan has won the white war in the world.11)white wine(白葡萄酒)12)white goods(体积大、单价高的家用电器)
Haier is the world’s 4th largest white goods manufacturer and the most valuable brand in china.13)white money(银币)
14)white sale(大减价,尤其用于床品等白织物)
We went to the white sale at the department store to buy some new sheets.15)white coal(水力)
We should make full use of white coal.16)the white way(白光大街,指城市中灯光灿烂的商业区)
I was attracted by the white way of this city.4.Blue 1)blue print(蓝图)
The meeting drew the blue print of the nation.2)blue water(海水,大海)
Flying over oceans, you can see blue water.3)blue film(黄电影)
Blue films are also called pornographic films.4)blue-eyed boy(特别得宠的人,红人)
He is a blue-eyed boy in our firm.5)blue blood(贵族血统)
He was born in a blue blood family.6)a bolt out of the blue(晴天霹雳)
The news of the attack on Pearl Harbor came like a bolt out of the blue.7)blue-pencil(删改)
His essay has been blue-penciled by the editor.8)blue ribbon(第一流的)
Can you program a blue ribbon program? 9)in a blue mood(情绪低落)
Tom is just in a blue mood.10)once in a blue moon(千载难逢的机会)
Such a chance comes once in a blue moon.11)blue-collar(蓝领的)
Some people have no respect for the blue-collar work.12)blue-sky market(露天市场)
Blue-sky markets are popular with those housewives.13)blue-sky bargaining(漫天要价,狮子大开口,指谈判或交易中提出不实际或不合理的要求,使协议无法达成)
14)blue laws(蓝法,指禁止在星期日从事商业交易的美国法律)15)blue-sky law(蓝天法,美国各州为管理股票而制定的股票发行控制法)5.Green 1)green light(绿灯)