破产妹 第一季 第十五
感谢天天美剧提供字幕, iju 
Move over, I wanna slide in close to you so we can take the picture for our new
挪过去  跟我坐近点 这样我们就能给新网站拍照了 
  Look, if you want to get all lesbian with me, just go for it. 
嘿  如果你想和我百合  直接追我就行了 
孙红雷 小沈阳  You don't have to pretend it's for the website. 
  It is. 
  And for the record, in 2009 when Katy Perry "kissed a girl and liked it", 
顺便说一下 2009年Katy Perry唱"我吻了个女孩 我喜欢这感觉" 
  I kissed one and didn't. 
我也吻了个女孩 不过我不喜欢 
  Ready? One, two, and 
准备啊 一 二 
  - Perfect! - Perfect? 
- 真完美啊 - 好意思说? 
  This photo does not say "let’s do your child’s birthday party". 
这张照片可不是在说 "我们可以承办您孩子的生日派对" 
死刑怎么执行  It says, we are an AC/DC tribute band, you can pay us in cocaine. 
而是  "我们是AC/DC模仿乐队  你们可以付给我们" 
  Oleg, would you take a picture of us for our website? 
Oleg 你可以为我们俩拍张照片吗? 
  You realize you just asked a man who only takes pictures of his penis? 
  But it's always well-lit, and perfectly in focus 
但是他会采光 而且很会精确对焦 
  You won’t be disappointed; I take a lot of website pictures. 
你们肯定不会失望的 我可拍过很多网站的照片 
  Yeah, but we are not wearing just bras and chicken masks 
是啊 但是我们又不是只穿着内衣戴着鸡头面具的妞 
  We have time. 
  Maybe we should rethink the coke whore picture. 
本字幕仅供学习交流 严禁用于商业用途
破产妹  第一季    第十五集 天天美剧字幕组
时间轴: 猫小七
听译: D- 安安 包子 牛牛 小夏 校对: Leah 安安 黄鱼 饺子 米兰 牛牛 蓑笠翁 月球
  Well, good night, ladies. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite. 
晚安 女士们 早睡早起身体好 不睡小心被虫咬 
  And I remember time in New York when that was more cute than accurate. 
想当年 在纽约 这话只是哄小孩的 现在不睡可真的会被咬 
  - Good night, Earl.  - Good night. 
- 晚安 Earl  - 晚安 
  Oh, I’ve come across a 6 dollar inaccuracy in tonight’s total. 
  You must go over all checks again. 
  Oh , I’m just on my way home. 
哦 但是我要回家了 
魔兽 技能
  But it's not 2 am. 
  I hate to play the heavy but you must sit down and go over checks again. 
我讨厌总唱白脸 但你必须坐下重新检查一遍 
  Oh, I’m 75 years old. 
  I don’t even have enough time to wipe twice. 
  Well, well. Hello there 
哇哇 女士你好啊 
  Such a gentleman. 
给宝宝起名字大全  And what a well-behaved boy! 
  Oh, there are the girls. 
  - Sophie, hello, you look pretty.  - Oh, I know. 
- 你好啊sophie 你看起来很漂亮  - 那还用说 
  - Sorry, the kitchen is closed.  - What? 
- 不好意思厨房下班了  - 什么? 
  The kitchen was closed, 