英  语
(考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What’s wrong with the man?
A.He has eye trouble.          B.He is alcoholic.            C.He caught a cold.
2.What does the man want?
A.Better service.              B.Another menu.            C.A quick meal.
3.What did the woman do today?
A.She went shopping.          B.She did some sewing.        C.She had her car repaired.
4.Where does the conversation take place?
A.In a classroom.            B.In a phone booth.        C.In a meeting.
5.When was the seminar supposed to start?
A.On January 16th.          B.On January 26th.        C.On January 27th.
6.Who was the woman expecting at first?
A.An old friend.    B.A guy with a white suit.    C.A net friend.
7.Why is the woman angry at the man?
A.He forgot to send her an email.
B.He didn’t tell her his real name.
C.He answered the questions incorrectly.
8.What is the conversation mainly about?
A.Which city to live in.    B.What to write in a paper.    C.How to choose a university
9.What does Glen know most about?
A.Sports.                B.Music.                C.Art.
10.Why does Jessica make the call?
A.To look for her passport.    B.To apply for a credit card.    C.To ask for the manager.
11.Where will Jessica go right after the phone call?
A.The bank                B.Her home                    C.The supermarket
12.How does the man sound?
A.Helpful                B.Nervous                    C.Surprised
13.What does John think of Amy’s poetry?
A.It is very classic.        B.It is very romantic.            C.It is very unique.
14.What day is the conversation probably taking place?
A.On Monday.            B.On Tuesday.                C.On Thursday.
15.What topic of poetry will the speakers read about this Thursday?
A.Love.                B.Nature.                    C.Friendship.
16.Whose works will the speakers read this week?
A.Edgar Allen Poe’s.        B.Emily Dickinson’s.        C.Maya Angelou’s.
17.On which day is World Sleep Day held?
A.March 21.                B.March 25.                    C.March 31.
18.What benefit is mentioned about enough sleep?
A.Being stronger.            B.Being cleverer.                C.Being taller.
19.What percentage of adults have a full eight hours of sleep each workday?
A.21%.                    B.27%.                        C.80%.
20.What can we learn from the passage?
A.World Sleep Day started in 2006.
B.Teenagers need at least 8 hours of sleep a night.
C.80% of people throughout the world have sleep problems.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
For children, space is magical — a whole world is out there, with so many things to learn and stories to read. Here are some children’s books about space and the solar system.
Mae among the Stars by Stasia Burrington
This beautifully illustrated picture book is attractive to young kids. It was inspired by the first
African American woman in space, Mae Jemison. It tells the story of Mae as a little girl, who always knew she had big dreams about space. This is a great addition to a young kid’s collection, as a reminder to hold tight to dreams and never give up.
Space by Libby Jackson
This beautifully illustrated book gives kids a look at 50 women from around the world who were involved in exploring space in some way, from the 19th century to the present day. This is a perfect gift for young kids who want to know more about some of the lesserknown scientific achievements related to space exploration.
Chasing Space by Leland Melvin
This is Melvin’s story about being a football playerturnedastronaut, along with his recovery from an injury that nearly left him deaf. Kids will love reading his story about how he faced challenges and advanced ahead, and he also includes DIY experiments for kids to try, and a section of fullcolor photographs.
System and Beyond by David A.Aguilar
The book is full of beautiful illustrations of space, and is perfect for kids of all ages, exploring various planets and the solar system. Unlike other kids’ space book, this is a National Geographic book written and illustrated by an awardwinning astronomer and space artist. Aguilar is also the former Director of Science Information and Public Outreach at the HarvardSmithsonian Center for Astrophysics.