    The 10-level disability rating criteria are used to assess the severity of disabilities in individuals. These criteria are used to determine the level of impairment and the impact it has on the individual's daily life activities. Here is a comprehensive explanation of the 10-level disability rating criteria:
十级伤残标准    1. Level 0: No disability
    At this level, there is no evidence of any disability or impairment that affects the individual's daily life activities. The person is able to function normally without any limitations.
    2. Level 1: Mild disability
    At this level, there may be some minor impairments that have a minimal impact on the individual's daily life activities. These impairments may not require any special accommodations or assistance.
    3. Level 2: Mild to moderate disability
    Individuals at this level may have impairments that moderately affect their daily life activities. They may require some accommodations or assistance to perform certain tasks or activities.
    4. Level 3: Moderate disability
    At this level, the individual has impairments that significantly impact their daily life activities. They may require frequent accommodations or assistance to perform tasks and activities.
    5. Level 4: Moderate to severe disability
    Individuals at this level have impairments that severely affect their daily life activities. They may require constant accommodations or assistance to perform most tasks and activities.
    6. Level 5: Severe disability
    At this level, the individual has severe impairments that greatly limit their ability to perform daily life activities. They may require constant assistance and specialized accommodations to carry out even basic tasks.
    7. Level 6: Severe to profound disability
    Individuals at this level have impairments that are profound and significantly impact their daily life activities. They may require extensive assistance and specialized accommodations to perform even the most basic tasks.
    8. Level 7: Profound disability
    At this level, the individual has profound impairments that severely limit their ability to perform any daily life activities. They require constant assistance and specialized accommodations for all tasks and activities.
    9. Level 8: Near-total disability
    Individuals at this level have near-total impairments that leave them with very limited ability to perform any daily life activities. They require constant assistance and specialized accommodations for all tasks and activities.
    10. Level 9: Total disability
    At this level, the individual has total impairments that render them completely unable to perform any daily life activities. They are entirely dependent on others for all tasks and activities.
    In conclusion, the 10-level disability rating criteria provide a comprehensive assessment of the severity of disabilities. These criteria help determine the level of impairment and the impact it has on an individual's daily life activities. The higher the level, the more significant the impairments and the greater the need for assistance and accommodations. It is important to consider these criteria when evaluating and providing support for individuals with disabilities.